Regardless where you get a good disk from, be sure to make at least one backup copy immediately before even installing the software. That way this issue should not arise again.
I appreciate the response. I checked that (ebay) angle but the boss will not pay the amount necessary for the whole package. Stupid thing is, we had 3 back up copies supposedly in safekeeping..... Water can tend to destroy a diskette. How only disk 2 got messed up is beyond me. Two lousy files on one disk is all I need, what a shame.
Your boss is willing to let you spend hours trying to do a job that you cannot do without the proper tools over a measly $300 or so? Makes me wonder if he knows how to do a cost/benefit analysis or if he even knows how much money he is losing as a result. If he won't let you buy this, it may be weeks or months before another one becomes available on eBay or anywhere else.
Would also make me wonder how secure my job is if he can't afford the tools to let you do your job.
Much more expensive than the one on ebay although that copy is the Windows version so would not suit your needs anyway. Still, as mmerlinn said, if you need it your boss will have to pay for it or the work can't be done.
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