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I find question mark is populated in the input array while debugging

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May 29, 2009
iam trying to read a log file which has 2000 lines. Input array is my temp array. while debugging i can see the input array values are populated unitl input array(9,40)
after that the array is populated full of "?" . I don know why it is happening
Somebody help me ..... i am stucked here ....

Oread = New System.IO.StreamReader(Fname)

For x = 0 To 2000
templine = Oread.ReadLine()

If Not templine = "" Then

While templine.IndexOf(" ") >= 0
templine = templine.Replace(" ", " ")
End While

TLine = templine.Split(" ")
For y = 0 To (UBound(TLine))
InputArray(x, y) = TLine(y)
Next y
End If
Next x
It would not surprise me if the log file was full of question marks, or that some encoding conversion took place and the log file is full of binary data or foreign characters.

+++ Despite being wrong in every important aspect, that is a very good analogy +++
Hex (in Darwin's Watch)
thanks for the reply but the input array does have valid data.

i tried writing input array to a file during runtime
and had a look at it. Actually it looks fine

Eventhough we cannot see the populated values in the runtime, the Inputarray is filled with the values it supposed to be.
sorry i forgot to mention the Array size --> Inputarray(50000,500)[too big array]
i think that may be the cause for the problem.

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