Technical User
I would very much like some help with compiling PHP 5 on my machine. It's all gone well so far, with one small problem.
I am running Mac OS X 10.3.4. I downloaded the first true release of PHP 5. Then I investigated the various libraries I need to include in the compilation. I found that I could get them from Fink, so I installed gd, freetype2, libxml2, libjpeg, libpng3 and pdflib. I also installed Apache 2, which is working nicely.
My configure line is currently as follows:
The problem is that whatever I seem to do, pdflib support is NOT compiled into php. I have to admit I have no idea what's going on really, but I've read lots on various websites about it.
The resulting installation pf PHP 5 works very well - the gd and xml functions are fine. But I find no mention of PDF functionality in phpinfo(). When I look at the verbose output from the configure command, the only mention of PDF is in this line:
At no point does it seem to check for pdflib support. What have I done wrong?
I have tried changing the path for pdflib to /usr/local/, in an attempt to use the libraries from my PHP 4 installation. Same problem.
Please, please, please can someone help?!!!
I would very much like some help with compiling PHP 5 on my machine. It's all gone well so far, with one small problem.
I am running Mac OS X 10.3.4. I downloaded the first true release of PHP 5. Then I investigated the various libraries I need to include in the compilation. I found that I could get them from Fink, so I installed gd, freetype2, libxml2, libjpeg, libpng3 and pdflib. I also installed Apache 2, which is working nicely.
My configure line is currently as follows:
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/lib/php5 --with-zlib --with-iconv=/sw/ --without-bundle-libxml --with-dom=/sw/ --with-libxml-dir=/sw/ --with-xsl=/sw/ --with-gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/X11R6/ --with-jpeg-dir=/sw/ --with-png-dir=/sw/ --enable-sockets --enable-pcntl --enable-shmop --enable-sysvshm --enable-sysvsem --with-mysql=/usr/local/mysql/ --enable-debug --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-pdflib=/sw/
The problem is that whatever I seem to do, pdflib support is NOT compiled into php. I have to admit I have no idea what's going on really, but I've read lots on various websites about it.
The resulting installation pf PHP 5 works very well - the gd and xml functions are fine. But I find no mention of PDF functionality in phpinfo(). When I look at the verbose output from the configure command, the only mention of PDF is in this line:
checking for cpdflib support... no
At no point does it seem to check for pdflib support. What have I done wrong?
I have tried changing the path for pdflib to /usr/local/, in an attempt to use the libraries from my PHP 4 installation. Same problem.
Please, please, please can someone help?!!!