this is the code to build the file name
PRINTCAPTURE ON ; print text sent
mfiledate = getlogname() ; build mmddy
mlgfile = "C:\DATA\MED"
STRCAT mlgfile mfiledate
STRCAT mlgfile ".txt" ; build c:\data\med03282.txt
SET CAPTURE FILE mlgfile ; Set name of capture file.
CAPTURE ON ; Open up the capture file.
FUNC getlogname : STRING
STRING mdate, mm, dd, yy1
STRCPY mm $DATE 2 ; get month into string
SUBSTR dd $DATE 3 2 ; get day into veriable
SUBSTR yy1 $DATE 9 1 ; get single digit year
STRCAT mdate mm
STRCAT mdate dd
STRCAT mdate yy1 ; date mmddy
RETURN mdate
However, the file that is built is c:\Program Files\Procomm Plus\bankof02.cap
It is using the first letter of each word in my dialing directory and appending a sequence number to it.
Can anyone help????
PRINTCAPTURE ON ; print text sent
mfiledate = getlogname() ; build mmddy
mlgfile = "C:\DATA\MED"
STRCAT mlgfile mfiledate
STRCAT mlgfile ".txt" ; build c:\data\med03282.txt
SET CAPTURE FILE mlgfile ; Set name of capture file.
CAPTURE ON ; Open up the capture file.
FUNC getlogname : STRING
STRING mdate, mm, dd, yy1
STRCPY mm $DATE 2 ; get month into string
SUBSTR dd $DATE 3 2 ; get day into veriable
SUBSTR yy1 $DATE 9 1 ; get single digit year
STRCAT mdate mm
STRCAT mdate dd
STRCAT mdate yy1 ; date mmddy
RETURN mdate
However, the file that is built is c:\Program Files\Procomm Plus\bankof02.cap
It is using the first letter of each word in my dialing directory and appending a sequence number to it.
Can anyone help????