Hai all,
I developed a live report and displaying the output using webreport. One field (location) is hyperlink so that, when it is clicked it opens the document. This works when output is html. But user wants excel file to be downloaded to desktop. If I put that setting in destination of webreport, excel file is getting downloaded and it shows the field is hyperlinked. But when I click it, it says "Cannont ope file"..?!! but the same works in html. this is the line I use in web report body to make it hyperlink.
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Please let me know if any change is needed.
Thanks a lot..
I developed a live report and displaying the output using webreport. One field (location) is hyperlink so that, when it is clicked it opens the document. This works when output is html. But user wants excel file to be downloaded to desktop. If I put that setting in destination of webreport, excel file is getting downloaded and it shows the field is hyperlinked. But when I click it, it says "Cannont ope file"..?!! but the same works in html. this is the line I use in web report body to make it hyperlink.
Please let me know if any change is needed.
Thanks a lot..