I am new to IIS, I don't speak english well, and I have Windows XP Professional. My problem is this:
Three months ago I installed IIS and it worked perfectly, it didn't ask passwords for either HTTP or FTP service, neither local or remote access.
However, I re-installed my system this week, installed IIS and now its behavior is as follows:
- Local HTTP access: Works perfectly, on Internet Explorer I type: and it shows my welcome page.
- Local FTP access: ftp://localhost/ It asks my login and password. I don't want this to happen.
- Remote HTTP access: (My IP address) It asks my login and password. I don't want this to happen.
- Remote FTP access: ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ Same as above.
I've rummagged through all the options on both services, mainly the obvious ones as Directories Security (Or Folders Security, don't know the exact translation from spanish), Autenfication and Anonymous Access Control, etc. I've been tweaking all of the options, just to see if it fixes my problem, and it doesn't. Sometimes it gets even worse, 'cause I can't even see my page typing
I use the NTFS file system. When my site is on this hard drive, the problem shows itself. However, I have a second drive, with FAT32 format, and the problem dissapears.
Please, help me as soon as you can. Thanks.
Three months ago I installed IIS and it worked perfectly, it didn't ask passwords for either HTTP or FTP service, neither local or remote access.
However, I re-installed my system this week, installed IIS and now its behavior is as follows:
- Local HTTP access: Works perfectly, on Internet Explorer I type: and it shows my welcome page.
- Local FTP access: ftp://localhost/ It asks my login and password. I don't want this to happen.
- Remote HTTP access: (My IP address) It asks my login and password. I don't want this to happen.
- Remote FTP access: ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ Same as above.
I've rummagged through all the options on both services, mainly the obvious ones as Directories Security (Or Folders Security, don't know the exact translation from spanish), Autenfication and Anonymous Access Control, etc. I've been tweaking all of the options, just to see if it fixes my problem, and it doesn't. Sometimes it gets even worse, 'cause I can't even see my page typing
I use the NTFS file system. When my site is on this hard drive, the problem shows itself. However, I have a second drive, with FAT32 format, and the problem dissapears.
Please, help me as soon as you can. Thanks.