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HTMLEncode and RS Fields 1

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Mar 14, 2002
I have a query from which I am pulling data from 4 tables, but the problem I have now is that in 2 of the tables, I am using 2 fields which have identical names;

WO_WORK_ORDER.DESCRIPTION and SY_WO_STATUS.DESCRIPTION. They are two different fields, but both are text fields. Now when I do my table and display the results, how can I separate the two fields?


Thanks in advance!!


Fields and Value are defaults

You could also write it like


Hmmm, did not work - all I get is a blank where it should fill in that field....

My supervisor mentioned something about declaring it as a variable and then call the variable name, have you tried that before?
I almost always assign my recordset values to a variable (or an object) when I am going to be working with them for any length of time. That way I can close the recordset and/or connection sooner. This is a matter of personal preference. But on to your question.

If I was in your situation, I would probably just use the index number of the field (assuming that's easy to figure out). In other words I would use rs.Fields(23).Value or whatever. Granted, this is less self-documenting, but it would work. I would just add a comment on the line above it saying what I was doing and why.
I did this, and when I do a response.write of this variable, it shows it as text, i.e. &quot;Entered&quot;, but when I run it in the report output, I get a numerical value, i.e. &quot;entered&quot; = 0, so it shows a 0. What am I missing??

Dim Status
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Connection&quot;)
objConn.Open &quot;Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=xxxxx;User ID=xxxx;Data Source=xxxxxxxxx;Persist Security Info=True;&quot;

Set objRs = Server.CreateObject(&quot;ADODB.Recordset&quot;)

objRs.Open &quot;SELECT * FROM SY_WO_STATUS WHERE SY_WO_STATUS.PLANT = '854' &quot;, objConn
Status = (objRs.fields(&quot;DESCRIPTION&quot;).Name)
set objRs = nothing

And I call the variable &quot;Status&quot; in my Rs.Fields in the table...
You could use Field indexex( wich is the place number in the select clause)

 or you can just use ALIASES


and then


George, M
You could try using aliasing in your SQL statement SQL statement. This will give a different name to each column

For example, your SELECT clause would look more ike this:

SELECT wo_work_order.description AS woDescrip, sy_wo_status.decsrip AS statDescrip

You can then refer to them by the alias (the word after 'AS')



Hope this helps,


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