I am trying to store HTML code in a memo field using the following code.
Where the HTML_Desc1, HTML_Desc2 and HTML_Desc3 are text boxes that users can enter. HTM_WRK1, HTM_WRK2, HTM_WRK3 and HTM_WRK4 are preset HTML code that doesnt change.
OK now the part I have trouble with. This all works great if I type in the HTM_WRK* code to a field in the form but I can't workout how to store HTML code as a default or in code, because it includes " in the middle.
Any ideas on how to do this would be appreciated. Thanks.
I am trying to store HTML code in a memo field using the following code.
Me.LongDescription.Value = Me.HTM_WRK1 & Me.HTML_Desc1 & Me.HTM_WRK2 & Me.HTML_Desc2 & Me.HTM_WRK3 & Me.HTML_Desc3 & Me.HTM_WRK4
Where the HTML_Desc1, HTML_Desc2 and HTML_Desc3 are text boxes that users can enter. HTM_WRK1, HTM_WRK2, HTM_WRK3 and HTM_WRK4 are preset HTML code that doesnt change.
OK now the part I have trouble with. This all works great if I type in the HTM_WRK* code to a field in the form but I can't workout how to store HTML code as a default or in code, because it includes " in the middle.
Any ideas on how to do this would be appreciated. Thanks.