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html javascipt and swf

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Nov 20, 2006
Hello can anyone help me to find why my banner1.swf doesn't appear when I run this html file?
Any help will be appreciated.


<DIV CLASS="jsbrand" ID="jsbrand"
STYLE="position:absolute;top:1;visibility:hide;" zIndex="1000" ALIGN="right">
<A HREF=" TARGET="_top"><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
codebase="width="550" height="400" id="banner1">
<param name=movie value="banner1.swf">
<param name=quality value=high>
<param name=bgcolor value=#FFFFFF>
<embed src="banner1.swf" quality=high name="banner1" align="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" </embed>
<script language="Javascript1.2">

//code .....for watermark
Well the div it's in has a style attribute set to visibility:hide. But I don't think that's valid, it should be visibility:hidden. So it's probably not that.

Is the path the .swf file correct?

Is the .swf created for the same version (or lower) of the flash player plugin that you have installed?


Earl & Thompson Marketing - Marketing Agency Services in Gloucestershire
Hello Foamcow first of all thank you for your help,
I tried the changes you suggested but still my program do not work... Basically what I'm trying to do is to have a banner in swf on the right site of my home page this banner is placed vertically and when a user scroll down the page the banner remains always visible to the user.
The code I initially found was for images and text but I needed to change in order to use a swf instead.

<DIV CLASS="jsbrand" ID="jsbrand"
<A HREF=" TARGET="_top"><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
codebase="width="550" height="400" id="banner1">
<param name=movie value="banner1.swf">
<param name=quality value=high>
<param name=bgcolor value=#FFFFFF>
<embed src="banner1.swf" quality=high name="banner1" align="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" </embed>
As you can see I changed the style part, I also made sure that the flash version is the one of the banner1 this is Flash 8. The banner1.swf is in the same forder of prova1.html, so the source shoul be ok too.....
Dont' know what to doooo. Do you think I should show the javascript code or that is irrelevant ...

Hello Foamcow

I finally figure it out.... yes your change where the right one. My problem was also the postion inside html that was wrong.....the div....code was inside the head..any way I put the codes inside the body and the effect worked....But another problem came up ..
The swf is of poor quality basically is all black and white(instead of colorfull) and I see only parts of the origianl swf......Do you have any suggestion?

Thank you
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