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Jul 10, 2000
I have written an ASP application and seem to be running into problems when using the app from a MAC pc. The table layouts have a little different look and feel and a checkbox isn't functioning properly.

Has anyone had these types of problems and knows how to remedy them. I am unfamiliar with the MAC world and would appreciate some advice.

Here is some sample code. The table layout looks a little different on the MAC and the checkbox doesn't work properly. I appreciate your help.

<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 width=&quot;100%&quot;>
<H5 align=left>Encumbrances</H5><BR>
<FORM action=process/p_fa_tenex.asp?sID={864FF7DE-4F45-453C-9B96-E8C9D6866D07}
method=post name=frmFA1>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 name=&quot;headerinfo&quot;>
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=1>Purchase Order :</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left><FONT face=arial size=1>106</FONT></TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD> </TD><INPUT name=hidPONum type=hidden value=106></TR>
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=1>Purchase Order Date :</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left><FONT face=arial size=1>10/18/2000</FONT></TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=1>Ship to Location :</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left><FONT face=arial size=1>FA Building</FONT></TD></TR>
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=1>Period Closing Date :</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left><INPUT maxLength=10 name=PerCloseDate size=10
<TD> </TD>
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=1>Ship to Number :</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left><INPUT maxLength=20 name=ShipToID size=10 value=5></TD></TR>
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=1>Vendor Name :</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left><FONT face=arial size=1>Elite Products Internatio</FONT></TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=1>Bank Number :</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left><INPUT maxLength=10 name=BankNum size=10 value=1022></TD>
<TD> </TD>
<TD width=60> </TD>
<TD align=left width=200><INPUT name=chkDelTxn type=checkbox><B><FONT
face=arial size=1>Delete this transaction</FONT></B></TD></TR>
<TD align=right><FONT face=arial size=1>Vendor D&B Number :</FONT></TD>
<TD align=left><FONT face=arial size=1>040851305</FONT></TD></TR><INPUT
name=VendorDB type=hidden value=040851305></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 width=&quot;100%&quot; name=&quot;detailinfo&quot;>
<TR height=36 vAlign=bottom>
<TH align=left bgColor=#0000f9 height=36 width=300><FONT color=#ffffff
face=arial size=2><B>Product Description</B></FONT></TH>
<TD bgColor=#ffffff><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot;
<TH align=left bgColor=#0000f9 width=280><FONT color=#ffffff face=arial
size=2><B>Account Number</B></FONT></TH>
<TD bgColor=#ffffff><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot;
<TH align=middle bgColor=#0000f9 width=60><FONT color=#ffffff face=arial
<TD bgColor=#ffffff><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot;
<TH align=left bgColor=#0000f9 width=150><FONT color=#ffffff face=arial
size=2><B>Line Status</B></FONT></TH></TR><BR>
<TR bgColor=#ffffff height=24 vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left width=300><FONT face=arial size=1>Gray Eraser
<TD width=1><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot; width=1></TD>
<TD align=left width=280><INPUT maxLength=35 name=txtAcctNum1 size=35
value=100></TD><INPUT name=hidAcctID1 type=hidden
<TD width=1><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot; width=1></TD>
<TD align=right width=60><FONT face=arial size=1>11.90</FONT></TD>
<TD width=1><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot; width=1></TD>
<TD align=left width=150><FONT color=#000000 face=arial size=1>Awaiting
<TR bgColor=#cccccc height=24 vAlign=bottom>
<TD align=left width=300><FONT face=arial size=1>Gray Eraser
<TD width=1><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot; width=1></TD>
<TD align=left width=280><INPUT maxLength=35 name=txtAcctNum2 size=35
value=200></TD><INPUT name=hidAcctID2 type=hidden
<TD width=1><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot; width=1></TD>
<TD align=right width=60><FONT face=arial size=1>11.90</FONT></TD>
<TD width=1><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot; width=1></TD>
<TD align=left width=150><FONT color=#000000 face=arial size=1>Awaiting
<TD width=300> </TD>
<TD width=1><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot; width=1></TD>
<TD align=right width=280><FONT face=arial size=1><B>Total:</B></FONT></TD>
<TD width=1><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot; width=1></TD>
<TD align=right width=60><FONT face=arial size=1>23.80</FONT></TD>
<TD width=1><IMG height=10 src=&quot;fa_com_tenex_files/sep.gif&quot; width=1></TD>
<TD width=150> </TD></TR><INPUT name=hidNumDetailRecs type=hidden
value=2></TBODY></TABLE><INPUT name=TranId type=hidden
value={37E8C2C9-52B6-4C85-8223-4D4F25C48CDD}><INPUT name=TranCode type=hidden
value=E><INPUT name=TranPage type=hidden value=E>
<CENTER><INPUT name=Submit onclick=&quot;if(document.frmFA1.chkDelTxn.checked){ConfirmDelete(this.form); document.frmFA1.chkDelTxn.checked=false} else{ if(isValidDate(document.frmFA1.PerCloseDate.value)){if(isValidBankNum(this.form)){if(ValidVendorDB(this.form)){submit();}}}else {highlight(document.frmFA1.PerCloseDate)}}&quot; type=button value=Submit></CENTER><BR><BR></FORM>
<FORM action=process/p_fa_tenex.asp?sID={864FF7DE-4F45-453C-9B96-E8C9D6866D07}
method=post name=frmFA2>
well on the checkbox if you are going to use javascript prefix your string with &quot;javascript:...rest of it....&quot;

Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)

I wasn't planning on it... do I have to?

Also... it seems that in my HTML Tables I use the sep.gif with a width=&quot;1&quot; ...... on the MAC version of IE that cell has a much bigger width than 1 (probably b/c the entire table has a width=&quot;100%&quot;... but it doesn't do that in IE or NS on the PC??
it is common pratice to prefix your command strings with the language you are using, also some browsers suck as ol' picky netscape, will ignore numerous commands if they dont follow a strict namming convention, MAC browsers and variety might be exactly the same way.

also as far as pixel formats go, I take it you have only worked with Windows, and not even linux, or any other PC-based OSes, chances are they'll be quite a couple things that'll look different, but I Can understand if you mean it doesnt work at all, also far as the width= goes, some browsers dont like numerals in &quot;&quot; , some wont take %, others require you to type in &quot;1px&quot; (px meaning pixels)

Experienced in : C++(both VC++ and Borland),VB1(dos) thru VB6, Delphi 3 pro, HTML, Visual InterDev 6(ASP(WebProgramming/Vbscript)

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