I want to generate a popup window that contains one of several pages. Within the link to each page I want to pass the file name to the script. I am trying to do this by modifying some free code that I found online. Here is what I have.
//Popup Window Script
//By JavaScript Kit (//JavaScript tutorials and over 400+ free scripts
function openpopup(){
var popurl="filename.html"
<a href="javascript
penpopup()">Click here to open window</a>
I want to specify
function openpopup(pagesource)
var popurl=pagesource
or just pass pagesource directly into
I have tried referencing the pagesource with "'+ +'" "" '' as well as other combinations and I am unable to make this work. My script resides in the <HEAD> portion of the page and I am referencing my link with <a href="javascript
Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.
//Popup Window Script
//By JavaScript Kit (//JavaScript tutorials and over 400+ free scripts
function openpopup(){
var popurl="filename.html"
<a href="javascript
I want to specify
function openpopup(pagesource)
var popurl=pagesource
or just pass pagesource directly into
I have tried referencing the pagesource with "'+ +'" "" '' as well as other combinations and I am unable to make this work. My script resides in the <HEAD> portion of the page and I am referencing my link with <a href="javascript
Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you.