I've got a ZyXEL P334W router and am trying to write a Perl telnet script to retrieve some information. The problem I'm running into is that when I issue the ip nat iface enif1 st command, the router displays it in several pages. It wants a space or Enter press to display the other pages. Since the script doesn't do this (I can't figure out how), this hangs up the script, which then terminates the telnet connection and leaves the router hung until its rebooted.
1) How can I make the router display all pages at once with a single command?
2) If #1 isn't possible, how to I get the Perl Net::Telnet library to properly send/receive the several pages of data the router sends back? I've already tried playing around with the prompt setting, but can't get it to work.
Anyone have an idea?
1) How can I make the router display all pages at once with a single command?
2) If #1 isn't possible, how to I get the Perl Net::Telnet library to properly send/receive the several pages of data the router sends back? I've already tried playing around with the prompt setting, but can't get it to work.
Anyone have an idea?