<logicresent name="persons">
<logic:iterate id="person" name="persons">
<.td>Name:<bean:write ??? /><./td>
<.td>Age: <bean:write ???/><./td>
persons is a List of Object[]
person is Object[] (person[0] - name, person[1] - age)
I would like to wirte in first <.td> pesron[0] and in second <.td> person[1];
My question is how to write person[0] and person[1] with <bean:write>? Or if it is impossible to use <bean:write> in this case, what tag should i use?
<logic:iterate id="person" name="persons">
<.td>Name:<bean:write ??? /><./td>
<.td>Age: <bean:write ???/><./td>
persons is a List of Object[]
person is Object[] (person[0] - name, person[1] - age)
I would like to wirte in first <.td> pesron[0] and in second <.td> person[1];
My question is how to write person[0] and person[1] with <bean:write>? Or if it is impossible to use <bean:write> in this case, what tag should i use?