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how to use the value of a scalar as a name for another scalar

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Technical User
Jan 25, 2005
suppose I have

$entry = <>;
$one = ($entry == '2') ? "two"; "other";
$two = "bam";
$other = "kaboom";

print (the variable that matches the value of $one)

If 2 is typed, I want to have $one somehow interpolated to "two" and then do something like ${two}. If anything else is typed, I want it to interpolate to "other" and print out the value of $other. But I can't seem to nest them...Help?

print ${$one}
with out having 'use strict'
ok, I see...but why doesn't it work if I stick a my in front of my variables? Then it's just blank
It's because only package variables are visible to symbolic references (that's what we are using here). Lexical variables (declared with my()) aren't in a symbol table, and thus are invisible to this mechanism.
ah! ok, makes sense. One more question...suppose I need to do this with packages instead of variables. Here's what happens

use vars qw($test $func);
$test = "func";
$func = "Trig";
print "Printing *".${$test}."*\n" #ok, this works;
use Math::${test}; 

# Above line gives Bad name after :: at interpoltest.pl;
eval might be the cookie here?

cigless ...
well...it's not a matter of error checking, if that's what you mean. I want to select a package to load dynamically, based on a value of the $func variable
I think 'use' would not work because it requires and imports the modules at compile time. Symbolic references would do at run time, so is the error.

I tried with 'require' and it didnt work. Though require would not import modules at compile time, it might be because 'require' checks the availability of modules (in @INC) at compile time, which again are not available because of symbolic references.

I am not sure about what I said above, so dont take it for granted.
well, I did this instead of use

print Math::${test}->blah();

which should have produced a compile time error. Instead it gave me a BAD NAME error again. methods are most certainly not compile-time checked. It's crying about the syntax :(
ack, I meant to say that it should have produced a runtime error
Incidentally, the use of soft references is generally considered to be a Bad Thing. In most situations, using a hash will turn out to be a superior solution (its benefits in avoiding awkward debugging more than makes up for the additional typing). There's a good article to explain why here.

OffTopic - @Paul - you just *knew* I'd post that, didn't you?? ;)
I was going to post it, but I thought of it as thunder stealing ;-)

@azzazzello, I was considering building up the string for the use statement, and then eval the use statement

As ishnid says soft references are a bad thing, but I still use GOTO ;-) If it's the only horse for the course

cigless ...
It's possible to use require for a dynamically called module, but it requires a modification in the way the module is referred to.

two different ways:
without importing, needs symbolic (soft) references
my $test = "Trig";

require "Math/$test.pm";
print "Math::${test}::tan"->(1);

or following 'strict':
my $test = "Trig";

require "Math/$test.pm";
## or instead
# eval "require Math::$test";

print tan(1),"\n";
I admit that I don't understand fully the subtlety between "Math::${test}::tan"->(1), which doen't work under 'strict' and "Math::$test"->import(), which does.


Hey PaulTEG,

Is there really a GOTO command in PERL
In all the years I've been writing Perl, indeed all the years I've been developing (over 20), I've never used a "GOTO" yet.
But I've had to deal with the consequences of others using it many times.
When you write code, do spare a thought for the poor guy that has to deal with the consequences. Please.


There are times, given, very few.

I used to maintain spaghetti COBOL code, so I know exactly what you mean.

I did say "Don't go mad".

next, last, die are effectively gotos of a sort at any rate, because they wouldn't pop values onto the stack to return to, but that's splitting hairs :-D

cigless ...
Must admit it's not one of my favourites. COBOL used to have
GO TO label1 label2 label3 label4 DEPENDING ON variable.
which is kind of a case statement combined with a bunch of GOTOs, which was a nightmare, especially as if variable was out of range it didn't do anything at all.

I kind of went off the idea of GOTO after that...
ohh that looks ugly
The goto-&NAME form is highly magical, and substitutes a call to the named subroutine for the currently running subroutine.

Some things are best left unknown Paul, my ignorance of the command 'goto' was certainly bliss, and I shall erase all knowledge of its existence.

If I come across code where it has been used, I will refuse to maintain it and re-write the script, I might be old, but I've moved on from programming my ZX Spectrum & VIC 20. Thank God!
No worries, there's a goto in every language I've ever used ... I think, but I've mostly avoided its use ;-)

cigless ...
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