Hello Everyone,
This is my first post on this forum, and I a already like it
As you can tell I am a complete newbie to Apache. My mission is to setup a web server on my Suse Linux 8.1 box, initially for test purposes, and then if my ISP provider permits, then to allow other poeple to connect to it too....
Anyways, I have taken on board the advice of most forum administrators, in the sense that I looked at all of the post which are likelly to answer my question, in the hope not to bore you with trivial questions.
I have also digested numerous FAQs, and HOT-TOs, together with many google searches on Apache....
And the truth is that I still never get a straight answer to the most basic questions....
My question is: How do I use Apache ?
I have correctly installed it: OK
I have successfully started it as root (apachectl start)
I have also edited the /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf file (after making a backup of course)
and I made some changes:
Listen myipaddress:80
BindAddress *
User Group users
DocumentRoot "/home/RSIA_taehakkyo/usr/rsia/rsias/<Directory "/home/RSIA_taehakkyo/usr/rsia/rsias/<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
UserDir public_html
UserDir www
In all, I added all of the specifications that anyone else would in my position
Now I have copied one index.html and one cgi script to the ~user/www/ directory and ~user/ directories respectively (N.B I also created these directories)
Now I try to restart the httpd, through apachectl restart, and it indicates that this went OK.
However, when I do this:
or any other browser with :
I get a default Suse Linux page, and nothing else.
Can someone, please tell me what I am doing wrong, and how I can overcome this issue.
I appreciate any help in this direction.
N.B last question: can I host my website (having bought a domain name) from home ?
what is the procedure ?
what are the pros & cons
Merci beaucoup mes amis !
Da Bionicfysh