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how to use apache ?

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Sep 23, 2003

Hello Everyone,

This is my first post on this forum, and I a already like it :)

As you can tell I am a complete newbie to Apache. My mission is to setup a web server on my Suse Linux 8.1 box, initially for test purposes, and then if my ISP provider permits, then to allow other poeple to connect to it too....

Anyways, I have taken on board the advice of most forum administrators, in the sense that I looked at all of the post which are likelly to answer my question, in the hope not to bore you with trivial questions.
I have also digested numerous FAQs, and HOT-TOs, together with many google searches on Apache....

And the truth is that I still never get a straight answer to the most basic questions....

My question is: How do I use Apache ?

I have correctly installed it: OK
I have successfully started it as root (apachectl start)
I have also edited the /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf file (after making a backup of course)
and I made some changes:

Listen myipaddress:80
BindAddress *
User Group users
DocumentRoot &quot;/home/RSIA_taehakkyo/usr/rsia/rsias/<Directory &quot;/home/RSIA_taehakkyo/usr/rsia/rsias/<IfModule mod_userdir.c>
UserDir public_html
UserDir www

In all, I added all of the specifications that anyone else would in my position

Now I have copied one index.html and one cgi script to the ~user/www/ directory and ~user/ directories respectively (N.B I also created these directories)

Now I try to restart the httpd, through apachectl restart, and it indicates that this went OK.

However, when I do this:

or any other browser with :

I get a default Suse Linux page, and nothing else.

Can someone, please tell me what I am doing wrong, and how I can overcome this issue.

I appreciate any help in this direction.

N.B last question: can I host my website (having bought a domain name) from home ?
what is the procedure ?
what are the pros & cons

Merci beaucoup mes amis !

Da Bionicfysh
Document route shouldn't have quotation marks. This is something you'll have to be careful about when reading FAQ's and such - Apache for Linux does not use quotes in path names; Apache for Windows does use quotes.

You might also want to start by connecting to and
You you can host your own website (if your isp lets you). Here's a good overview of what you'll need to do
Many thanks for the quick response Smah !

I tried to remove the quote marks, and also used the loopback and localhost host addresses, but no luck :-(
thanks anyways....

I have bookmarked the link on how to host my own website for future reference....

In the hope that someone can help me resolve this issue, thanks again to all

Da Bionic one
What spelling [mad] - that should have been DocumentRoot
Is it possible that you have more than 1 version of Apache installed? One that installed as part of the Suse distro and one that you compiled and installed yourself?
Well, I am not sure... ?
it's a good question..
do you know how I can verify how many such distros are installed ?
I am running Suse Linux 8.1, and apache was installed by default. come to think of it, I did install another version manually for I was not sure that apachectl was the right binary....

I will try to unstall the default one, as I am not sure how to uninstall the other tar.gz version...
if you have some info on this, please let me know

many thanks again

Bionic fysh
These may help:
When you do decide on putting your site up n the web you need to find out if you have a static ip from your ISP. If you do not try the customedns application from you will need to download a client in order to make it work. Its pretty straight forward directions. Use the ddclient it is easy to configure and works via perl. I currently am using it on Solaris9 and I have a buddy who is using it on redhat.
Smah and Akcrxnj

Many thanks for this info !
it is very useful !


Da Bionic one
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