Have the following code which prompts the user for a PO number and a ship to code. I want to take the values they enter and update the ship to code in the POORDHDR_SQL table. When I run the script below it says ShipTo is not a valid field.
How to I update the SQL table with the value of my variable ShipTo?
Option Explicit
Dim ConWSH, strConnection, strSQL1, rs1, adOpenForwardOnly
Set ConWSH=WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=D6RZ4VC1;User ID=sa;Password=sspqiv;Database=DATA;"
with ConWSH
end with
Dim Message, PO, Message2, Title2
Dim Title, Text1, ShipTo
' Define dialog box variables.
Message = "Please enter a PO Number followed by release"
Title = "Change PO from Drop Ship to Normal"
Text1 = "Process Cancelled"
Message2 = "Please enter new Ship To Code"
PO = InputBox(Message, Title, "00", 100, 100)
ShipTo = InputBox(Message2, Title2, "",100, 100)
' Evaluate the user input.
If PO = "" Then ' Canceled by the user
WScript.Echo Text1
PO = (right(PO + 100000000,8))
WScript.Echo PO
End If
if ShipTo = "" Then
Wscript.Echo Text1
Wscript.Echo ShipTo
end if
strSQL1 = "Update POORDHDR_SQL Set Ship_to_cd = ShipTo where ord_no = PO"
set rs1=createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
with rs1
.open strSQL1
End with
How to I update the SQL table with the value of my variable ShipTo?
Option Explicit
Dim ConWSH, strConnection, strSQL1, rs1, adOpenForwardOnly
Set ConWSH=WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "Driver={SQL Server};Server=D6RZ4VC1;User ID=sa;Password=sspqiv;Database=DATA;"
with ConWSH
end with
Dim Message, PO, Message2, Title2
Dim Title, Text1, ShipTo
' Define dialog box variables.
Message = "Please enter a PO Number followed by release"
Title = "Change PO from Drop Ship to Normal"
Text1 = "Process Cancelled"
Message2 = "Please enter new Ship To Code"
PO = InputBox(Message, Title, "00", 100, 100)
ShipTo = InputBox(Message2, Title2, "",100, 100)
' Evaluate the user input.
If PO = "" Then ' Canceled by the user
WScript.Echo Text1
PO = (right(PO + 100000000,8))
WScript.Echo PO
End If
if ShipTo = "" Then
Wscript.Echo Text1
Wscript.Echo ShipTo
end if
strSQL1 = "Update POORDHDR_SQL Set Ship_to_cd = ShipTo where ord_no = PO"
set rs1=createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
with rs1
.open strSQL1
End with