Is there any device that would allow me to test a digital port off the Definity PBX? This would allow me to pin point if the problem is with the phone set or a bad ell.
Yes and no. Most people use a toner and look for line voltage (i.e. a green light indicating continuity and power coming from the circuit pack). I have seen an ancient device out on ebay listed as an AT&T DCP and analog tester for 2 wire analog and 4 wire DCP. I'm 99.99% sure this is just LEDS reading line voltage like a toner. It may be handy with 4 wire 754B DCP connections but who uses those anymore anyway? I would recommend havinf a good spare cheap indestructable 8403B phone to troubleshoot 4 and 2 wire connections if you ever have a problem. When I have a problem, 99.99% of the time, it the cable/jack/phone and not the port. -CL
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