Dim Palabra, Firstl
Palabra = "now"
Firstl = LCase(Left(Palabra, 1))
If Not Firstl = "a" Or Not Firstl = "e" Or Not Firstl = "i" Or Not Firstl = "o" Or Not Firstl = "u" Then
Palabra = Right(Palabra, Len(Palabra) - 1) & Firstl
End If
MsgBox Palabra
Sorry Yoshi understand like if the first char is any konsonant, but you can do it in a Loop.
Discuple Yoshi tenia entendido que el quiere mover la primera letra al final cuando es un consonant. Tal igual sirve cuando tu lo haces en un civlo repetitivo.
Entschuldige Yoshi hatte verstanden, dass er nur den ersten Buchstaben ans Ende verschieben will wenn es ein Konsonant ist. Trotzdem geht die Routine wenn es als schleife gelegt wird.
Dim Palabra, Firstl
Palabra = "Throughout"
Firstl = LCase(Left(Palabra, 1))
Do While Not Firstl = "o" And Not Firstl = "e" And Not Firstl = "i" And Not Firstl = "o" And Not Firstl = "u"
Palabra = Right(Palabra, Len(Palabra) - 1) & Firstl
Firstl = LCase(Left(Palabra, 1))
MsgBox Palabra
Do While Not Firstl = "a" And Not Firstl = "e" And Not Firstl = "i" And Not Firstl = "o" And Not Firstl = "u"
¡Yo entiendo ahora!
I Understand Now!
(Sorry, haven't quite learnt Deutsch just yet!)
Very impressed at your knowledge of languages. (I Speak only English, Spanish and Japanese)
Your code works fine for the first consonant, however Honeymao (i hope) requires that all vowels be at the beginnning of the word and all consonants at the end, in ascending order. (i take this from her examples!)
"I'm an idealist. I don't know where I'm going but I'm on the way." — Carl Sandburg, 20th-century American poet and writer
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