I've tried to think of a way to stop unwanted faxes (basically spam/junk faxes) from entering our voice mailboxes, but I can't think of a way to do it. The thing is, the incoming faxes have no return number in the header (which is illegal according to the FCC), they have no incoming caller-id so you can't tell where it's coming from and calling the number on the fax to have us removed is of no help. I assume it's like replying to email spam, where you end up with more spam. Anyway, I've had our legal dept even call the numbers on the faxes and give them all of our DID range to tell them to luck. Only 30 or so people can actually accept the faxes in their mailbox, but we do get these on regular fax machines too. I'm sick of being outcalled in the middle of the night when a junk fax shows up in my AUDIX mailbox advertising some scam stock to invest in or something like that. Any ideas? These people are obviously scanning our range of DID numbers because most people in the building have said (when asked) that they've answered calls and heard the fax tone trying to connect. On a side note, I wish I could find a way to jam up THEIR lines! This makes me mad...I'm sick of it.