I have report having following fields and I'm including data for 4 rows as sample
Mnth1LD Mnth1Loc Mnth2LD Mnth2loc Month3LD Month3Loc
320.83 682.39 197.00 696.46 31.89 798.85
395.11 1137.26 430.86 1152.85 16.19 1249.93
458.22 569.35 255.82 578.33 19.69 713.48
370.08 1040.50 221.89 1049.27 16.42 1150.32
3MnthAvgLD 3MntAvgLoc Variance
193.25 725.89 91%
280.82 1180.11 86 %
244.64 620.39 84%
202.80 1080.03 90%
Here what I'm doing first I wrote formula to get the value of Mnth1LD Mnth1Loc Mnth2LD Mnth2loc Month3LD Month3Loc and then I get running total to get the value of 3MnthAvgLD all ld field and divide by 3 and
running total for all 3MntAvgLoc fields and divide by 3
then I addup 3MnthAvgLD and 3MntAvgLoc divided by Mnth1LD+ Mnth1Loc
and get the value into the variable
I need to sort that variance in asc order
like 91%,90%,86%,84%
which is comming from finalString
My question is how can I sort this variable
when I can not this formula in record sort exper,
group sort expert becuase I'm using runnig total RSumofFistMonth (because I can not get the vaule by adding simply by Mnth1LD + Mnth1Loc
following is the code
Numbervar VSum3MonthAvg:={@3MonthAvgLD}+{@3MonthAvgLocal};
NumberVar RsumFirstMonth:={#RSumofFistMonth};
NumberVar VdivValue:=RsumFirstMonth /VSum3MonthAvg;
NumberVar VdivValueTr:=VdivValue*100 ;
stringVar strVdivValueTr:=totext(VdivValueTr);
NumberVar pos:= instr(strVdivValueTr,".",1);
stringVar finalString:=left(strVdivValueTr,pos-1);
Can you help me please
Mnth1LD Mnth1Loc Mnth2LD Mnth2loc Month3LD Month3Loc
320.83 682.39 197.00 696.46 31.89 798.85
395.11 1137.26 430.86 1152.85 16.19 1249.93
458.22 569.35 255.82 578.33 19.69 713.48
370.08 1040.50 221.89 1049.27 16.42 1150.32
3MnthAvgLD 3MntAvgLoc Variance
193.25 725.89 91%
280.82 1180.11 86 %
244.64 620.39 84%
202.80 1080.03 90%
Here what I'm doing first I wrote formula to get the value of Mnth1LD Mnth1Loc Mnth2LD Mnth2loc Month3LD Month3Loc and then I get running total to get the value of 3MnthAvgLD all ld field and divide by 3 and
running total for all 3MntAvgLoc fields and divide by 3
then I addup 3MnthAvgLD and 3MntAvgLoc divided by Mnth1LD+ Mnth1Loc
and get the value into the variable
I need to sort that variance in asc order
like 91%,90%,86%,84%
which is comming from finalString
My question is how can I sort this variable
when I can not this formula in record sort exper,
group sort expert becuase I'm using runnig total RSumofFistMonth (because I can not get the vaule by adding simply by Mnth1LD + Mnth1Loc
following is the code
Numbervar VSum3MonthAvg:={@3MonthAvgLD}+{@3MonthAvgLocal};
NumberVar RsumFirstMonth:={#RSumofFistMonth};
NumberVar VdivValue:=RsumFirstMonth /VSum3MonthAvg;
NumberVar VdivValueTr:=VdivValue*100 ;
stringVar strVdivValueTr:=totext(VdivValueTr);
NumberVar pos:= instr(strVdivValueTr,".",1);
stringVar finalString:=left(strVdivValueTr,pos-1);
Can you help me please