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How to set up FTP for multiple sites on server 1

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Aug 19, 1999
I want to set up FTP on a IIS server which hosts multiple domains.  I want each domain to have access only to its own directory.  Does anyone know of a good resource which explains how to set this up?  I read somewhere that there are issues with this due to transmitting NT user passwords etc.. in the clear.  Any thoughts, resources, etc.. appreciated.  Thanks.
As far as i'm concerned there is no way to accomplish what you want. <br>The only way i think you could solve this problem is to create different Virtual Directories matching the Windows NT account, if you do this, IIS will automatically redirect the user to that directory. You could combine this with DNS to solve the issue to point the domain names to the same IP-address. <br><br>Regards<br><br>Lars<br>
I already have the multiple domains set up on the IIS server and that works fine.&nbsp;&nbsp;It's just the FTP sites that I am trying to configure.
Hi Baddog.<br><br>I am not sure I understand what the problem is here.<br><br>Can you clarify a few things?<br><br>When you mean say domains: do you mean a fqdn or an nt domain.<br><br>Are you restricted by the amount of externally available IP's you are using?<br><br><br><br><br><br>
I am hosting multiple FQDN (ie <A HREF=" TARGET="_new"> HREF=" TARGET="_new"> etc...) on one NT IIS 4.0 Server by using One IP address and host headers to direct the traffic to the appropriate site (directory) as it comes in.&nbsp;&nbsp;That all works fine.&nbsp;&nbsp;I am trying to allow DomainOne.com access to their folder (directory) via FTP and the same with DomainTwo Three and so on. I want each domain to only have access to their respective directory.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I can only spare ONe IP Address for <A HREF="ftp://FTP.&nbsp" TARGET="_new">FTP.&nbsp</A>;&nbsp;
I am running a setup pretty much like what you are describing and the solution that I came up with was to NOT use MS FTP and instead use a 3rd party FTP server.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have found WAR FTP to be quite suitable for this, which is also free.<br><br>Ken Kasmar<br>Red Falcon Internetworking, Inc.
You could make it work by assigning no-standard ip ports to the one ip you are using.<br><br>You have to make sure access is allowed through your firewall if you using one.<br><br>So, you set user1 on port 21<br><br>user2 - (your ip) (port) 2002<br>user3 - (your ip) (port) 2003<br>user4 - (your ip) (port) 2004<br><br>That should work.
So if I use WAR FTP does it matter which ftp client we use?&nbsp;&nbsp;Any recommendations?&nbsp;&nbsp;I have CuteFTP, does that work in conjunction with WAR ok?&nbsp;&nbsp;Thanks.
I've found that CuteFTP as well as WSFTP work fine with WAR<A HREF="ftp://FTP.&nbsp" TARGET="_new">FTP.&nbsp</A>;&nbsp;I think the only time that I remember a problem coming up with an FTP client was when someone tried to post through and older version of Corel Websuite or something and they couldn't get it to log in.
Read the following article from the MS Knowledge Base - Q170868. I have used it and it works just fine.
I read Q170868, and it is for IIS 2.0 and 3.0. I am sure it will work for IIS 4.0, but I can't figure out how to get it to work by reading the information. There is no ftp service properties (Step 3), etc. The directions are not exactly the same for 4.0.

Can you point me in the direction where I can setup multiple FTPs?

Thank you for your assistance in advance.
Take Serv-U g and you can make what you want and better as IIS FTP-Server.

That's all
Here's another KB article which relates to IIS 4.0. Try article Q201771.
Just set up an FTP and point it to a blank folder.

Then make virtual FTP directories for each domain, and make an NT User account the same name.

When a user logs into the FTP, they are automatically sent to their virtual directory. The blank folder is in case they back up a directory, they will only see that it is blank and nothing else.

This is the standard way to get MS's FTP site up and working safely.

I have been looking for other FTP Server apps, but have not found one yet that I like. I hate MS's version and hope that server 2002 will fix that.


I am waiting for MDAEMON.com to come out with their new FTP server.
Under the default FTP site in IIS, create a virtual directory (right click on the default FTP site). Create your alias (userid) and then provide the path to the directory where you want this alias to have access (inetpub/
Hope this help.
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