I got four lines coming into my BCM50.
I would like to set line that it will have Distinct Ring when ringing on all extensions. I am looking for simple step by step suggestions. Thanks
Is this line an analog trunk, that you want this distinct ring to be ring on all sets?
For example - you want line 3 to ring differently from all the other incoming trunks on the phones?
Go to Lines
Active Physical Lines
select your line and on the right side off the screen you should see Dist ring tab.
Default none
Double click to open the dropdown box .
select your ring sound.
4 highest Priorty and will be answered first
1 lowest Priorty and will be answered last
As Snowman stated...
- Go to Lines
- Active Physical Lines
- select your line and on the right side off the screen you should see Dist ring tab.meaning that you have to scroll all the way to the right
- Default is set to none
- Double click to open the drop down menu.
- select your ring sound. Say Pattern 2
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