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How to set a count(*) SQL statement = to a VB variable?

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Dec 18, 2001
I'm just trying to retrieve the value from a count(*) statement and I am stumped.


If you are returning the count in a record set, make sure you provide a name to reference the count column.

Select count(*) As RecCnt From Table Terry L. Broadbent
FAQ183-874 contains tips for posting questions in these forums.
NOTE: Reference to the FAQ is not directed at any individual.
I am actually not using a recordset. This is what I have:

sql1 = "select count(*)from CMC_GRGR_GROUP where GRGR_ID = 'EP136"
MsgBox "" & sql1 & ""

BUT, this does not work.

Any suggestions?

All you've done is create a string and display it in a message box. You need to execute the query against the database. The manner in which you do that will depend on how you are connecting. Are you woring in VB with ADO or ODBC? What is the database? Terry L. Broadbent
FAQ183-874 contains tips for posting questions in these forums.
NOTE: Reference to the FAQ is not directed at any individual.
We have an Sybase 11 database.

I've tried using a ADO connection but I can't get any *count* statements to work. I've heardthat it might be Sybase. So, I'm just trying to use SQL.

When using the "execute" statement, there are no records returned, right? Doesn't it just "execute" on the database?


Actually, someone helped me out.
THis is what worked:
countme.Open "select count(*)As myval from CMC_GRGR_GROUP where CICI_ID = '" & GroupID & "' ", conn, , , adCmdText
myvar = countme.Fields("myval")
MsgBox "" & myvar & ""

Thanks tlbroadbent
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