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How to send email thru JMail to multiple recipients (from BCC field)?

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Feb 6, 2002
i can send email to recipient and BCC for simgle email address. but i cannot find related document on sending email to multiple email addresses (or a mailing list). any help?
try placing a colon between addresses

bcc = "email@email.com; email@email.com; email@email.com"

hope that helpse
I had the same problem.

Here's my code and it actually works! ;-)

The form-field "ToBBC" contained all the e-mail addresses seperated by a ","



varToEmailBBC = Request.form(&quot;ToBBC&quot;)
varSubject = Request.form(&quot;Subject&quot;)
varFromName = Request.form(&quot;FromName&quot;)
varFromEmail = Request.form(&quot;FromEmail&quot;)
varMessage = Request.form(&quot;Message&quot;)
varHowMany = Request.form(&quot;HowMany&quot;)

' I later use the following variable for seperating the e-mails
varString = varToEmailBBC

Name = varFromName
SenderEmail = varFromEmail
Subject = varSubject
Body = varMessage

Set JMail = Server.CreateObject(&quot;JMail.SMTPMail&quot;)

'the name of your smtp-server
JMail.ServerAddress = &quot;XXX.XXXX.XX&quot;

JMail.Sender = Senderemail
JMail.Subject = Subject

response.write &quot;Mail sent to:&quot;

'for loop which adds all the recipient in the JMail-script
For i = 1 to varHowMany

SearchStr = &quot;,&quot;
'MyPos = InstrRev(varString, SearchStr, -1, 1)
MyPos = Instr(1, varString, SearchStr, 0) - 1
MyString = Len(varString)
LeftString = Left(varString, MyPos)

JMail.AddRecipientBCC LeftString

RCount = Mystring - MyPos - 1
MyStr = Right(varString, RCount)

response.write &quot;<br>&quot;
response.write LeftString

varString = MyStr



JMail.Body = Body
JMail.Priority = 3
JMail.AddHeader &quot;Originating-IP&quot;, Request.ServerVariables(&quot;REMOTE_ADDR&quot;)


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