[tt]If you have XP Home it's going to take some manipulating of your system (don't know how much of that you want to do) but if you have XP Pro, it comes with a full IIS server capabilities and with XP Pro you can email but again more changes will have to be made.
[tt]Nope, sorry I don't use messengers at all. (take too much of my daily duties).
Let's start with the basics
1. Upon your users registering submit the form to a script page looking something like this:
Dim objMail
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail"
objMail.From = "YOU@ISP.COM"
objMail.Subject = "Thanks for registering to my site" objMail.To = Request.form("USERS_EMAIL_FORM_FIELD"
objMail.Body = "This is an email message" & vbcrlf&_
"with CDONTS." & vbcrlf&_
"It is really easy. "
Response.write("Mail was Sent"
'You must always do this with CDONTS.
set objMail = nothing
response.redirect "Your_site.com"
The blue line above represents the variable from the email text field on the form.
Response.Write "Hey "& varName & ",<br />"_
& VBCrLf & "Thanks for your feedback.<br />"_
& VBCrLf & "We’ll contact you as soon as possible!"
[tt]Try using CDO to send the email
Dim obCDO
Set obCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDO.message"
with obCDO
.From = "you@Your.isp"
.To = "user@isp.com"
.Subject = "thank you"
.TextBody = "blah blah"
end with
win xp pro made some changes with their components where one must installed a new component to use cdonts etc... too much to get into. Glad you worked it out.
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