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How to send backup logs by email - ARCserve Backup r11.5 for Linux!

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Apr 7, 2003

I have installed ARCserve Backup r11.5 for Linux on Red Hat ES 3. I want to configere email notification for backup jobs. I haven't found descriptions for this configuration in manuals or on CA site.

I can send email from Red Hat server using program "Evoluation Email". I have changed file "caloggerd.cfg" in $BAB_HOME/config directory (But as I understand this is only for critical events. I'm not shure does this work either.). I need to send reports for every job that had been executed, including job logs, by email. I have installed, on Red Hat server:

1) BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Linux Server & Manager (BABsvr & BABmgr)
2) BrightStor ARCserve Backup for Linux Client Agent (BABagntux)

Do I need to install something else?

Can anybody give me step by step procedure how to configure sending backup logs by email?


I have actually no idea how it looks for Linux, but here is what you have to do if it was a Windows server ;)

Click on modify job, click on options and go to the alert tab.
Select what event you'd like to monitor i.e "job incomplete" or "job failed".
Check the "attach job log" box and click on add for each event you'd like to monitor.

Open the and configure it with a user account and password.
Expand configuration, then default and highlight smtp.
Right click and select new item and configure what email you want to send your email to.

Hope it's somewhat the same in Linux.
Good luck.



1) To get an email alert,The server need to have an email service (server) running. Since ARCserve takes the information of the email id to which the reports to be send.

2) In order to configure BAB to send alerts notification, Stop ARCserve (cstop) and run the following command at the prompt: caloggerd_setup
The above setup will asks for log file size and other setting, go with default. Also it asks for email alert :
select "y" (yes) and provide the eamil id to which the alerts to be send.
Complete the configuration and restart ARCserve (cstart).

3) Check the BAB Administrator Guide at Page 25 -Using Logger Email Alert Messages for aditional information.

Good Luck!!

I've made big progress, but still have same issues. It was a problem with sendmail configuration. Now I'm able to send logs to my email (just local account - ..@mycompany.com). But I need to send emails to more than one addresses. So, I have placed two addresses (seperated with space) in Options -> Log -> Internet Email:
user1@mycompany.com user2@mycompany.com

But only first user get email. In email that first user got I can see that sendmail has added hostname to the second user address. So, address for second user instead of user2@mycompany.com now is user2@host1.mycompany.com.

I've tested sendmail on host1 with command:

(echo "subject: test"; echo) | sendmail -Am -d60.5 -v user1@mycompany.com user2@mycompany.com

Both user got email.

What is wrong with ArcServe?


I've tried this a lot in the past but so far I have not been able to get it to work (two email addresses in one SMTP setting)
Why this doesn't work I have not been able to find out. Maybe a restriction in AS!?
The workaround is however to configure a new SMTP for each email address.
This does work.

I hope you find this post helpful.


Common sense is not so common anymore
Thanks GSC.

Can you give me few steps how to do that?
In the Alert manager:
Expand configuration, expand default
Right click on SMTP and first you should configure the SMTP settings.
Once you have that done you should right click on SMTP again and this time you select New Item.
Here you will create an entry for each item that you need to send this notification to.

I hope you find this post helpful.


Common sense is not so common anymore
That is for Windows. But where is Alert manager for Linux? Till now I just configured some txt files.

Can yuo help me with Linux?

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