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How To Return Results from SQL Stored Procedure in VB6

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Sep 3, 2001

I have a stored procedure which works fine in SQL Query Analyser, but when I execute it from a VB application I don't get a record set.

Dim RST As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim CMD As New ADODB.Command
Dim prm As ADODB.Parameter

BOM1 = txt1.text
BOM2 = txt2.text

'DBS connection is set globally
Set CMD.ActiveConnection = DBS
CMD.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
CMD.CommandText = "CompareBom"
Set prm = CMD.CreateParameter("Group1", adVarChar, adParamInput, 20, BOM1)
CMD.Parameters.Append prm
Set prm = CMD.CreateParameter("Group2", adVarChar, adParamInput, 20, BOM2)
CMD.Parameters.Append prm

Set RST = CMD.Execute()

If RST.RecordCount > 0 Then
' display results
End If

When run the recordset RST is not created and I get the error 'Run Time Error 3704 - The operation is not allowed when the object is closed' at the 'If' statement

For info :-
I am using SQL7.0 and VB6.0
The stored procedure compares two partslists and returns the difference between the two.

Has anyone any ideas??


David Chaney
You will need to set your connection string for the recordset then recordset.open before you can execute any commands.
The recordset connection string etc for RST are setup & created by the 'Set RST = CMD.Execute()' command.
The problem is that the recordset is being closed straight away and I am unable to access the results

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Part and Inventory Search

