Hi all,
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdbmsDbTable>SELECT datname,oid FROM pg_database</rdbmsDbTable>
<rdbmsDbInfoTable>SELECT oid, version(), pg_database_size(datname) FROM pg_database</rdbmsDbInfoTable>
<rdbmsDbTable>SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata</rdbmsDbTable>
<rdbmsDbInfoTable>select variable_value from information_schema.global_status where variable_name=\"COM_BACKUP_TABLE""</rdbmsDbInfoTable>
In the above XML doc, i want to retrive the character data for a specific tag.
for eg. If i want the character data for rdbmsDbInfoTable then it should compare that element name and retrive the character data for me, skipping rest of the file.
I am using xerces library, implementing in C on linux platform, and using SAX2.
Please post the solution if possible.
Thanks in advance,
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rdbmsDbTable>SELECT datname,oid FROM pg_database</rdbmsDbTable>
<rdbmsDbInfoTable>SELECT oid, version(), pg_database_size(datname) FROM pg_database</rdbmsDbInfoTable>
<rdbmsDbTable>SELECT schema_name FROM information_schema.schemata</rdbmsDbTable>
<rdbmsDbInfoTable>select variable_value from information_schema.global_status where variable_name=\"COM_BACKUP_TABLE""</rdbmsDbInfoTable>
In the above XML doc, i want to retrive the character data for a specific tag.
for eg. If i want the character data for rdbmsDbInfoTable then it should compare that element name and retrive the character data for me, skipping rest of the file.
I am using xerces library, implementing in C on linux platform, and using SAX2.
Please post the solution if possible.
Thanks in advance,