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How to restore from a corrupt BKF file... 5

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Dec 31, 2003
About a week ago, my wife's computer started acting up. After some initial verrification, it was determined that the main drive, a Western Digital 450AA IDE drive, was starting to fail. I attempted to back it up to another drive using NTBackup, but before the job was 100%, the drive made its final attempt at life and rolled over not-so-gracefully.

Long story short, the drive is dead, and I am now looking at a 27gb BKF file that does not work. I have been doing research for serveral days, and the only solution I can find is a program from E-Tech called BKFRecovery. The problem...its $1099 for a license to do 25gb+ files...just a little much to pay for something that I only plan to use once. I also tried this Linux MTF reader, compiled on XP using Cygwin, but it reads the header info and does little more with a good backup file, and careens off the cliff with the broken file.

My question is very simple...is there a way for me to get what files are backed up in the BKF file out? Using the demo version of BKFRecovery, I can see that all of what I really need is backed up, and the only think I can see that is not was the Windows directory stuff, which I don't really care about. Please, please, please...someone come to my rescue!!!

Thanks in advance,

Mike Bauer

first... sorry for my bad english!
i've read your discussion on how to restore files from a .bkf file.
i know that it's more than a year ago that this discussion finished. but maybe some other people are searching for a solution to the same problem.

i don't have a .bkf file that i needed to restore, i had a dds-4 tape which windows won't read. if i want to catalog it it says that i have to insert the tape named 'vollsicherung'. but this tape was inserted. i have only this one tape (i don't know it is a part of a set, or not).

i've made a dump of this tape (with mmpc - but maybe it works with dd too) cause mmpc couldn't restore the files on it (read error fm: 2, blk: 2).

than i've tried ntbkup. i've got more files with ntbkup than with mmpc. ;-) that ntbkup could handle this dump was "very nice". but ntbkup has produced an errormessage by windows xp. sorry, but i've only the german errormessage. it calls something like: the order in "0x004016fd" points to memory at "0x00417f8d".

after that i've tried not to copy the files out, just only listing them.
ntbkup xxxx.dup >content.txt and
ntbkup xxxx.dup -d >directories.txt

then i've tried e-tech's bkf recovery. it listed me more files than ntbkup. hmmmm.

i've found a program called advanced bkf repair. it "only" cost's 149$ (some people here would spend 300$ for a tool like this) and has a very good logging option.

jmtf didn't work for me. i couldn't start the .jar file. if i double klick on it, nothing happens. i've installed jre-1_5_0_04-windows-i586-p.exe. i don't know, why it doesn't start.
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