I would like to remove empty line from a result ouput.
For example command dir returs the following ouput:
I would like to remove all useless info and also empty lines. I can remove "Volume in drive C has no label." and other useless info by command:
dir | find /V "Volume" | find /V "Directory" | find /V "File(s)" | find /V "Dir(s)"
The ouput is:
The ouput is fine exept there are two empty lines at begenning. How to remove empty lines with CMD?
I would like to remove empty line from a result ouput.
For example command dir returs the following ouput:
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 0CEB-9551
Directory of C:\
13.09.2007 11:18 <DIR> .
13.09.2007 11:18 <DIR> ..
13.09.2007 12:52 11.843 a.txt
13.09.2007 10:27 280 de.bat
24.07.2007 13:26 114.253 def.bat
13.09.2007 11:15 4.749 proc.sql
13.09.2007 10:21 123 run.bat
6 File(s) 132.799 bytes
2 Dir(s) 16.136.343.552 bytes free
I would like to remove all useless info and also empty lines. I can remove "Volume in drive C has no label." and other useless info by command:
dir | find /V "Volume" | find /V "Directory" | find /V "File(s)" | find /V "Dir(s)"
The ouput is:
13.09.2007 11:18 <DIR> .
13.09.2007 11:18 <DIR> ..
13.09.2007 12:52 11.843 a.txt
13.09.2007 10:27 280 de.bat
24.07.2007 13:26 114.253 def.bat
13.09.2007 11:15 4.749 proc.sql
13.09.2007 10:21 123 run.bat