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How to realize "Reference Array"

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Feb 14, 2004
Sometimes we don't want to instantiate the class when creating this class array. there exist pointer array in c or c++. example(c++):
class Example
void main()
Example* PointerArray[5]; // uninstantiated
PointerArray[0] = new Example; // instantiate now
but we have to instantiate the class in C# when creating array.
class OuterEx
class InnerEx
static void main()
InnerEx[] PointerArray = new InnerEx[5];
for reference is not an independent type in C# and we don't want to use pointer(unsafe code) in most program;
so i have one idea to solve this problem:
class OuterEx
class InnnerEx
class RefEx
InnerEx Ref;
static void main()
RefEx[] RefArray = new RefEx[5];
RefArray[0].Ref = new InnerEx();
If we don't want to write .Ref every time, we have to write a type convertion method. after all it's real inconvinient.
Anybody can tell me how to solve this problem or there exist any solution i havn't found in C#.
one solution here myself, use "object key word" to create the array and then convert the class to object.
When you say
 InnerEx[] PointerArray = new InnerEx[5];
you're not making 5 instances of InnerEx, you're just creating an array with 5 slots for InnerEx objects. All of the elements of the array will be null. You still need to instantiate the objects yourself.
In C++ you have:
class B{};
class C: public B{};
class D: public C{};
class F{};
B *p[5];
p[0]= new B();
p[1]= new C();
p[2]= new D();
p[3]= new F(); // Error 
In C# you can do the following (because the class type is derived from the 'object' type ):
public class B{}
public class C:B{}
public class D:C{};
public class F{}
object[] ar = new object[5];
ar[0]= new B();
ar[1]= new C();
ar[2]= new D();
ar[3]= new F();

or instead to say:
B b1 = new B();
C c1 = new C();
D d1 = new D();
F f1 = new F();

you can do:
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.Add("b1",new B());
ht.Add("c1",new C());
ht.Add("d1", new D());
ht.Add("f1",new F());
In the both cases use GetType() to determine the type of the object:
ok, i'm sorry to have deserted this forum for 1 week. so i can't read the valuable replys above in time and express my appreciation. now i learn much.
i have tested all the views above and they really do.
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