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How to make Foxpro main windows not show up 2

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Jul 23, 2001
Hi all,

I built an exe file from my foxpro project. Every time I run this exe program, a foxpro main window will flash up , then disappeared. Same thing when I exit this foxpro program.

Inside my program, I set _screen.hide(), but it seem not work correctly.

I need remove foxpro main window show up or flash out.


in your config.fpw file
put the line
screen = off
you can either put this file in the same directory as your exe, or build it into your exe
While the answer above is the simple (and correct) version, you may want to learn more about it by doing a little reading.

To hide the main Foxpro window there is a clear explanation in the help file.

VFP 5.0: Online Documentation -> Developer's Guide -> Part 3: Creating the Interface -> Chapter 9: Creating Forms -> Hiding the Main Visual FoxPro Window

VFP 6.0: Help File -> Using Visual FoxPro -> Programmer's Guide -> (Part 3:) Creating the Interface -> (Chapter 9:) Creating Forms -> Hiding the Main Visual FoxPro Window


I did some reading in the chapter you referred to and I tried it in my application, but it did not help.

Apparently the chapter refers to one Top Level form.

I don't think that would work for an executable in which the first thing that runs is the "Main.PRG".

Any other suggestions?

I've been using the CONFIG.FPW all along, but it is a pain if the user doesn't have it or it accidentally gets erased.

First, you can always create a CONFIG.FPW with just the SCREEN=OFF in it and add it to your project. This way it will always be used - disadvantage is that it can't be overriden with other one on disk.

I don't see why having a MAIN.PRG changes anything as long as you don't do anything "visible" before you DO your top level form. Is there a specific problem or question you are having?


How to include config.fpw into my foxpro project ?

Set screen=off is the only way to bypass foxpro main window screen flash when I run my foxpro EXE file ?

please help
You can include the CONFIG.FPW by going to the Other tab in the Project Manager, then select the Other Files section and click on the Add... button. In VFP 6.0 it's real easy, just select the file in Windows Explorer and then drag-and-drop it on the Project Manager, it'll put it where it wants it!

Yes, if you insist on running without the Main window, then SCREEN=OFF in the config file is your only answer to prevent the "flash".


How can I hide foxpro main menu and tool box at the time of running my application.


Set up your users icon to run your exe with a -t.
Example: "myexe.exe -t"
Will the main Foxpro window always show up on a machine which has VFP installed. I too have been experiencing the same problem of trying to hide the main window and have had little success. The MSDN documentation only mentions "application visible= .F. which hides the whole project, not very useful when you want to see something.
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