The fscommand will work for you. But that gets a bit tricky with macromedia's security features and all, but if you choose to go that route I do have a bit of a tutorial on how to do that.
Why don't you just load it as a .swf?
And The Star Continues To Shine....
i am using flash 5.
these movies will be put on a cd. the first movie is exe for autorun purposes. the other files are swf. the main menu is in the exe. to get back from the swf to the main menu i have to access the exe.
it will be helpfull if i can my hand on your tutorial for the fscommand.
Ok here is a thread I was in a while ago. Down at the bottom is a link to an example I made. However I suggest that the best way to do this is not with fscommand at all. If you have an instance of your movie running and you click on the menu button, if you use fscommand, it is going to open a second instance of your movie, so that each time you want to get to the menu, another window with the movie in it will be open. Your best bet is to publish the menu clip in both generator (.exe) and swf formats. Open the exe from the autorun, but to return to the menu, rather than calling the exe, simply load the sw that you have also created.
Hope that helps. Please post and let me know how it went.
And The Star Continues To Shine....
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