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How to insert a row into SQL db with VBScript 1

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Jun 10, 2002
Hope this is simple for the experts out there...

I need to create a VBScript that will insert a row into db on SQL 2000. There is a System ODBC connection available if that is easier pointing the database in question

Details are be:
ODBC Datasource Name: SMS
Type: SQL 2000
Table: Outgoing ( has two columns - PhNumber and TextMsg
Db User: sa
DB Password: blank
Server Name: SQLServer

I have a process that will recreate this file each time it is required, inserting the 2 text values ( for the fields PhNumber and TextMsg ) into the appropriate section of the vbscript file.

many thanks
ije [smile]
Heres what you can do:
Not sure if you established a connection and just need the sql but Ill show you both

dim conn, insertSQL
set conn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open "dsn=SMS;uid=sa;pwd=blank;database=databasename"
conn.execute("insert into Outgoing values('PhNumberValue','TextMsgValue')"

set conn = nothing

Let me know if that helps
thanks ralphtrent! I needed both parts - mainly the connection bit though...many thanks for the example!
Ok this is not a new topic really, but an extension of what I need to achieve the first objective!! As this script is used to insert rows in a table used to send mobile phone sms messages out of, i need to remove dashes of mobile phone entries.

When I try the following script I get "The name 'mob1' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions or variables allowed here. Column names not permitted" ( btw - there is no column called mob1 )....

any ideas on how to do the data checking?

Dim conn, insertSQL
Dim mob1,mob1verified
mob1 = replace("0455-555-555","-","")
Set conn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open "dsn=sms;uid=sa;pwd=;database=sms"
conn.execute("insert into outgoing values('should be no dashes in mobile number here',mob1)")
Set conn = Nothing
...an extension of what I need to achieve the first objective!! As this script is used to insert rows in a table used to send mobile phone sms messages out of, i need to remove dashes of mobile phone entries.

When I try the following script I get "The name 'mob1' is not permitted in this context. Only constants, expressions or variables allowed here. Column names not permitted" ( btw - there is no column called mob1 )....

any ideas on how to do the data checking?

Dim conn, insertSQL
Dim mob1,mob1verified
mob1 = replace("0455-555-555","-","")
Set conn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open "dsn=sms;uid=sa;pwd=;database=sms"
conn.execute("insert into outgoing values('should be no dashes in mobile number here',mob1)")
Set conn = Nothing
your insert looks a little confusing. Do you have two columns in the table one for phone number w/dashes and one for phone number w/o dashes? If so then you might want to try this:
mob1 = request.form("phone number") 'ie 0455-555-555 (the number is backwards btw)
mob1NoDash = replcase(mob1,"-","")
conn.execute("insert into outgoing value ('mob1NoDash','mob1')")
You might have been passing a numeric value (mob1) to a field that is not numeric on the database. check that out.

Let me know how it goes.
What would the connection string be if your not wanting to use a dsn and keep all of the connection in the script?

I'm trying to do something similar but keep getting odbc errors.
no there is only one mobile phone field....i ended up doing it this way:

Dim conn, insertSQL
Dim mob1
mob1 = replace("0455-555-555","-","")
Set conn = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.open "dsn=sms;uid=sa;pwd=;database=sms"
conn.execute("insert into outgoing values('this is the text field - there should be no dashes in corresponding mobile number here','" & trim(cstr(mob1)) & "')")
Set conn = Nothing

many thanks!!
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