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How to increase Terminal Services Speed

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Apr 1, 2004
on W2K SBS Serever is installed TS Server in admin mode.
I installed TS client on my XP station.
After a few commands on server ( ex. working with Explorer ) the of connection is very slow.
Why ? How I can increase that connection speed ?
How much memory do you have in the server? Each concurrent TS client needs an additional 256 MB of RAM on the server.

Help! I've fallen and I can't reach my beer.
What about bandwidth issues? could install a sniffer to see what your transmittions are like?
Have you tried useing remote desktop connection verses the TS Client?
I have 2GB an only one TS connection.
What sniffer program should i use ? I never work with that type of program.
How to install RD with W2k ?

Thanks a lot.
You can download the RD from microsoft.com i think! although i thought win2k had it already built in!

As for a sniffer goto downloads.com and look for a sniffer software called 'Network Probe'

The software is real simple to use, just run the .exe file and follow the on-screen instructions, we used it when our VPN kept running slowly and timming out! we are also running 2Mb pipes but they do still get blocked occasionaly.

Let me know how you get on.
Remote Desktop does not come with Win2k. You have to download it or you can install it from a Windows XP CD.
Have to disagree with beerhunter2 here. I think 256mb of memory per client is a way too steep. More in order would be 32mb max. Since it's in admin mode don't worry about it.

Like quell stated I would try using the RDC client when connection from the XP box instead of the 2k client.

Your post is sort of confusing, is it connection that's the issue or server performance? If it is connection do you mean between you and the server or the server and everyone else?
It is about connection between me and the Server. Sometime is very slow. But i think that one cause could be the unclosed past TS sessions. This is because i forced to disconnect session , instead to log off from that connection,
Thanks to all of you !
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