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How to get the PID from a system()

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Sep 23, 2004

I have the following code

system ("./XYZ");

I know $$ stores the PID of the perl script. However, how can I get XYZ's pid? Is there a way to get that PID immediately? In my case XYZ can take hours to run. I may want to kill this XYZ process before it finishes. I may initiate XYZ several times before one is finished. So I can't refer them by names.

jishu - hi, you need to use fork() - like this but look in the docs for more detail

fork() splits your current process in two with you left controlling both of them

my $child_pid;
if($child_pid = fork()){
# this is the parent process, and $child_pid is the PID
# of the child process started below
sleep 3600; # wait for an hour
kill $child_pid; # if you want to...
exit 0;
} else {


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Hi Mike,

Thanks for the reply. Is this the only way? Is there an easy way that I can get the PID directly from "System()"? I know "System()" does a fork. Is there a way to get that fork's PID?


no... your script will wait until your system() call finishes


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Depending on on your OS, you can name your process at time of inception, and monitor that, and if you can't you should be able to.


It's important in life to always strike a happy medium, so if you see someone with a crystal ball, and a smile on their face ... smack the fecker

I am actually new to fork(). I tried the following script:

my $child_pid;
if($child_pid = fork()){
system "echo \"kill -9 $child_pid\" >> ttt";
exit 0;
} else {
exec('./XYZ < a.txt');

In this case, I store the PID into a file called "ttt" so I can kill it later.

This script does write a PID into file "ttt", but it is a "sh" PID, not "XYZ" PID.

For example, I did a "ps -u user" at another prompt:
13438 pts/2 0:00 sh
13440 pts/2 0:06 XYZ

The above script only stores "13438" into the "ttt". However, "13440" is the PID I want to store. I tried "kill -9 13438", it didn't stop "13440".

What did I do wrong? Please advise.


hi jishu,
you should try this (it's easy but i'm not that sure that's what you want):

system("./XYZ &");
system("ps -ef | grep XYZ");

Jiang -

Two thoughts

- the thing you're running (XYZ in your example) does it start another process? How does it do that?

- also - if you do

ps -eg | grep 13438

It will pick up both process, 13440 will have 13438 as it's parent process (PPID)


"Deliver me from the bane of civilised life; teddy bear envy."

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