Feb 15, 2008 #1 la46 Programmer Mar 15, 2004 26 MA hello, any help about how to get the privileges affected to a user (select on tables, delete update...etc)
hello, any help about how to get the privileges affected to a user (select on tables, delete update...etc)
Feb 15, 2008 #2 PHV MIS Nov 8, 2002 53,708 FR A starting point (SQL code): SELECT A.grantee,T.tabname,A.tabauth FROM systables T,systabauth A WHERE A.tabid=T.tabid AND grantee='UserNameHere' Hope This Helps, PH. FAQ219-2884 FAQ181-2886 Upvote 0 Downvote
A starting point (SQL code): SELECT A.grantee,T.tabname,A.tabauth FROM systables T,systabauth A WHERE A.tabid=T.tabid AND grantee='UserNameHere' Hope This Helps, PH. FAQ219-2884 FAQ181-2886
Feb 15, 2008 Thread starter #3 la46 Programmer Mar 15, 2004 26 MA Thanks PHV, i didn't understand : table_name su-id--- But now, i think - s: for select - u: for update - d: for delete - i: for insert thanks! Upvote 0 Downvote
Thanks PHV, i didn't understand : table_name su-id--- But now, i think - s: for select - u: for update - d: for delete - i: for insert thanks!