We run around quite a few sql servers ,half of which are MSDE only. I have written a procedure to copy a database to a new DB when it has reached 1900 mb then truncate all the tables.This is only used as an archive. Anyway the problem is this, I only want to run this where the server is MSDE. How can I find this out? I have tried @@version,xp_msver,select serverproperty('productversion').All of these return info but nothing that helps or am I missing the obvious?
We run around quite a few sql servers ,half of which are MSDE only. I have written a procedure to copy a database to a new DB when it has reached 1900 mb then truncate all the tables.This is only used as an archive. Anyway the problem is this, I only want to run this where the server is MSDE. How can I find this out? I have tried @@version,xp_msver,select serverproperty('productversion').All of these return info but nothing that helps or am I missing the obvious?