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How to Filter the Scroll Menu based upon the Text in the textfield? 1

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Technical User
Dec 2, 2003
Hi All:
I have a Textfield beneath it a Scroll Menu. When I type a letter OR a word, the Scroll Menu should sort itself & display the related data in it, so that I can select what I need.

For Example, I type "AT" in the Textfield, the Scroll Menu should sort itself & show up the data STARTING with "AT".

Any ideas!!!

Thanks in advance.
This dropdown doesn't sort itself, but everything else works. Why not just populate the list sorted in the first place? If that's not an option, dynamically sorting the list should be a piece of cake.


function blahSmart(blah) {
   len = blah.length;
   size = blahForm.blahSelect.options.length;
   for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
      if (blah == '') {
         blahForm.blahSelect.options[0].selected = true;
      if (blah == blahForm.blahSelect.options[i].value.substring(0, len)) {
         blahForm.blahSelect.options[i].selected = true;
         return true;


<FORM NAME=&quot;blahForm&quot;>

<select name=&quot;blahSelect&quot;>
<option value=&quot;&quot; selected>Try Me Out</option>
<option value=&quot;ape&quot;>ape</option>
<option value=&quot;asp&quot;>asp</option>
<option value=&quot;bag&quot;>bag</option>
<option value=&quot;bat&quot;>bat</option>
<option value=&quot;cat&quot;>cat</option>
<option value=&quot;dawg&quot;>dawg</option>
<option value=&quot;dog&quot;>dog</option>
<option value=&quot;xxx&quot;>xxx</option>
<option value=&quot;yo&quot;>yo</option>
<input type=text name=blahText onkeyup='javascript:blahSmart(this.value)'>



My requirement is such that I should sort the Scroll Menu based upon the word OR letter typed in the textfield!!!

If I could get that worked, I'll be safe!!!

Any ideas???

Hi All:
I have one more thing to do on the Scroll Menu, Once I have the requested Data Sorted Up in the Scroll Menu based upon the word in the Textfield above it, I should show an option to SELECT MULTIPLE DATA in the Scroll Menu, to display it in the next page on submit.

Any help is appreciated!!!

Thanks Once Again!!

I assume you can use JavaScript and do something like:

document.forms['myFormName'].selectName.multiple = true;[code]


[code]document.forms['myFormName'].selectName.multiple = document.forms['myFormName'].myCheckBox.checked;[code] to be able to toggle the multiple feature from a checkbox.

Hope this helps!

But Why is the checkbox here in Multiple Select??


>> &quot;should show an option to SELECT MULTIPLE DATA&quot;...

This is what the checkbox is for. You wanted a way to toggle between multiple selction and single selection, I assumed. The code I gave should do the job.

The checkbox isn't &quot;in multiple select&quot; - you can put it where you like as long as it is within the FORM tags.

You read the value of a checkbox via its &quot;checked&quot; property, which then sets the value of the select box's &quot;multiple&quot; property - so no, I did not mean &quot;selected&quot;.

Hope this clarifies the issue (was there one? ;o)

Hi Dan:
Sorry for being late in replying. I was off the machine for 2 days now!!!

Thanks for the clarification. Is there a way I can be directed to the solution for my problem.

The code kaht gave works fine. I did create TWO SCROLL MENUS beneath each of the TWO TEXTFIELDS. I select a data in the scrollmenu1 & in scrollmenu2 by enetering the first inital letters in th etextfields above(respectively). But when I delete the LETTERS that I typed in TEXTFIELDS 1 OR 2, the selected data in the scrollmenu gets changed & the FIRST data in the scrollmenu's are selected.

My problem here is:

1) How should I keep the selected data in EACH of the scrollmenu as is, EVEN when I delete the data in the textfields, not affecting the other?

2) how to populate this data in the next page when I hit submit?

Hope I'm not confusing anyone.

Here is the code thats giving me TOUGH Time!!! The JS code is exactly what I have been given by kaht.

<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=3 border=0>
<FORM name=form1>
<TD align=left><INPUT name=text1></TD>
<TD align=left><INPUT name=text2></TD></TR>
<TD align=left><SELECT size=4 name=select1> <OPTION
value=chuck>chuckle</OPTION> <OPTION value=check>check</OPTION> <OPTION
value=two>two</OPTION> <OPTION value=four>four</OPTION> <OPTION
value=six>six</OPTION> <OPTION value=eight>eight</OPTION> <OPTION
value=nine>nine</OPTION> <OPTION value=pop>pop</OPTION> <OPTION
value=rine>rine</OPTION> <OPTION
<TD align=left><SELECT size=4 name=select2> <OPTION
value=chuckle>chuckle</OPTION> <OPTION value=check>check</OPTION> <OPTION
value=two>two</OPTION> <OPTION value=four>four</OPTION> <OPTION
value=six>six</OPTION> <OPTION value=eight>eight</OPTION> <OPTION
value=nine>nine</OPTION> <OPTION value=pop>pop</OPTION> <OPTION
value=rine>rine</OPTION> <OPTION

I've pieced together my checkbox code, your HTML code, and kaht's JavaScript code to produce this:

function sortSelectBox(selectBoxName, sortText)
	var selectObj = eval(&quot;document.forms['form1'].&quot; + selectBoxName);
	var len = sortText.length;
	var size = selectObj.options.length;

	for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
		if (len > 0 && sortText == selectObj.options[i].value.substring(0, len))
			selectObj.options[i].selected = true;
			return true;

<FORM NAME=&quot;form1&quot;>
<TABLE CELLSPACING=&quot;2&quot; CELLPADDING=&quot;3&quot; BORDER=&quot;0&quot;>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;><INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;text1&quot; onKeyUp=&quot;sortSelectBox('select1', this.value);&quot;></TD>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;><INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;text2&quot; onKeyUp=&quot;sortSelectBox('select2', this.value);&quot;></TD>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;>
		<SELECT SIZE=&quot;4&quot; NAME=&quot;select1&quot;>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;chuck&quot;>chuckle</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;check&quot;>check</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;two&quot;>two</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;four&quot;>four</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;six&quot;>six</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;eight&quot;>eight</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;nine&quot;>nine</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;pop&quot;>pop</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;rine&quot;>rine</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;john&quot;>john</OPTION>
    <TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;>
		<SELECT SIZE=&quot;4&quot; NAME=&quot;select2&quot;>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;chuckle&quot;>chuckle</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;check&quot;>check</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;two&quot;>two</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;four&quot;>four</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;six&quot;>six</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;eight&quot;>eight</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;nine&quot;>nine</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;pop&quot;>pop</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;rine&quot;>rine</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;john&quot;>john</OPTION>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;><INPUT TYPE=&quot;checkbox&quot; NAME=&quot;check1&quot; onClick=&quot;document.forms['form1'].select1.multiple = this.checked;&quot;>Allow multiple</TD>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;><INPUT TYPE=&quot;checkbox&quot; NAME=&quot;check2&quot; onClick=&quot;document.forms['form1'].select2.multiple = this.checked;&quot;>Allow multiple</TD>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot; COLSPAN=&quot;2&quot;><INPUT TYPE=&quot;submit&quot; VALUE=&quot;Submit this page&quot;></TD>

It seems to give you everything you've asked for:

- Select boxes that sort depending on the letter/word you type in

- The select boxes don't deselect if you delete the letter/word from the textbox

- The ability to allow multiple selection from the select boxes.

It seems that all you need top do now is create the next page in the chain - the page that this form data gets submitted to. I assume you'd be using some kind of server-side language (ASP, JSP, PHP, CFM, CGI, etc) to harvest the form data.

P.S. You'll excuse my use of eval instead of getElementById, only I don't know your target browser audience, and eval has wider compatibility for older browsers.

Hope this helps!

Thank You Very Much for the solution!!!

You made my day.

Finally, I have one last question........

I want to submit the Multiple Selection I made in the Select Boxes with the data that I have in a Textfield(1) on top of the page(NOT the one thats used for typing in letters/words, above the Select Box). Each Select Box is associated with a Textfield(1) above it. When I hit submit I should populate the next page with the data in Select Boxes PLUS the data in the textfield(1).

The page design is like this:




Any help is really appreciated!!

Thanks one & all!!!
Do you have access to any server-side scripting language, such as ASP, JSP, or PHP?

You'd really want to use one of those to retrieve the form data...

I guess I can use dcoument.writeln....to write off in the same page.

Is it not??

If you want to use document.write, try this:

function sortSelectBox(selectBoxName, sortText)
	var selectObj = eval(&quot;document.forms['form1'].&quot; + selectBoxName);
	var len = sortText.length;
	var size = selectObj.options.length;

	for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
		if (len > 0 && sortText == selectObj.options[i].value.substring(0, len))
			selectObj.options[i].selected = true;
			return true;

function replacePage()
	var htmlStr = &quot;&quot;;
	var formObj = document.forms['form1'];

	// text box 1 + select box 1
	htmlStr += &quot;Text 1: &quot; + formObj.other1.value + &quot;<BR>&quot;;
	htmlStr += &quot;Select 1: &quot;;
	for (var loop = 0; loop < formObj.select1.length; loop++)
		if (formObj.select1.options[loop].selected) htmlStr += formObj.select1.options[loop].value + &quot; &quot;;

	htmlStr += &quot;<HR>&quot;;

	// text box 2 + select box 2
	htmlStr += &quot;Text 2: &quot; + formObj.other2.value + &quot;<BR>&quot;;
	htmlStr += &quot;Select 2: &quot;;
	for (var loop = 0; loop < formObj.select2.length; loop++)
		if (formObj.select2.options[loop].selected) htmlStr += formObj.select2.options[loop].value + &quot; &quot;;



<FORM NAME=&quot;form1&quot;>
<TABLE CELLSPACING=&quot;2&quot; CELLPADDING=&quot;3&quot; BORDER=&quot;0&quot;>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;>Text 1<BR><INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;other1&quot;></TD>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;>Text 2<BR><INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;other2&quot;></TD>
<TR><TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot; COLSPAN=&quot;2&quot;><HR></TD></TR>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;>Filter 1<BR><INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;text1&quot; onKeyUp=&quot;sortSelectBox('select1', this.value);&quot;></TD>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;>Filter 2<BR><INPUT TYPE=&quot;text&quot; NAME=&quot;text2&quot; onKeyUp=&quot;sortSelectBox('select2', this.value);&quot;></TD>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;>
		<SELECT SIZE=&quot;4&quot; NAME=&quot;select1&quot;>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;chuck&quot;>chuckle</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;check&quot;>check</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;two&quot;>two</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;four&quot;>four</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;six&quot;>six</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;eight&quot;>eight</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;nine&quot;>nine</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;pop&quot;>pop</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;rine&quot;>rine</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;john&quot;>john</OPTION>
    <TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;>
		<SELECT SIZE=&quot;4&quot; NAME=&quot;select2&quot;>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;chuckle&quot;>chuckle</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;check&quot;>check</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;two&quot;>two</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;four&quot;>four</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;six&quot;>six</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;eight&quot;>eight</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;nine&quot;>nine</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;pop&quot;>pop</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;rine&quot;>rine</OPTION>
			<OPTION VALUE=&quot;john&quot;>john</OPTION>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;><INPUT TYPE=&quot;checkbox&quot; NAME=&quot;check1&quot; onClick=&quot;document.forms['form1'].select1.multiple = this.checked;&quot;>Allow multiple</TD>
	<TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot;><INPUT TYPE=&quot;checkbox&quot; NAME=&quot;check2&quot; onClick=&quot;document.forms['form1'].select2.multiple = this.checked;&quot;>Allow multiple</TD>
<TR><TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot; COLSPAN=&quot;2&quot;><HR></TD></TR>
<TR><TD ALIGN=&quot;left&quot; COLSPAN=&quot;2&quot;><INPUT TYPE=&quot;button&quot; VALUE=&quot;Next&quot; onClick=&quot;replacePage();&quot;></TD></TR>

Hope this helps!

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