Creating the TTY port will output the CDR data to the port, you still need something on the other side to capture the data, typically some sort of Call Accounting software.
I have the CDR TTY configured, but now I need the Call Accounting software how says lretrievers and this has a cost
Also I see I can make a FTP connection (with TCP/IP protocol), Can I get CDR file with this connection?, wich is the path of CDR files?. I read that this files are in /U path, but is not there....
Depending on the release of software, we were able to do a TCP/IP connection to gather CDR record. However, that was made to run with OTM/TM, both products are MD/EOL. You would need to know the 'hooks' that Nortel put in to get that data from the PBX to the server/PC which has the software.
Yes, call accounting packages typically have a cost associated with them.
We have a TM software, but the DBA loses connexion every month and then i need two hours for reconnect. Also, when the database has a 1GB the database breaks, and i can lost information.
I want collect the information directly of the CS1000 and after put it in a SQL, i think that with this system i will have less problems.
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