How to find out the record contains invalid data causes an soc7 abend from Registers ( saved registers in dump)?
For example input file contains 9 records, but due to some invalid data in one of the 9 records, the program got abend with SOC7. So how to find out the the record which is giving this S0C7 from dump.
My program is giving the SOC7 at offset 000003E6. I can find out the statment based on this offset from compile listing. The statment is
But I want to know for which record this problem is coming.
I am giving the dump also for your ref..
1CEE3DMP V1 R9.0: Condition processing resulted in the unhandled condition.
Information for enclave SOC7
Information for thread 8000000000000000
DSA Addr Program Unit PU Addr PU Offset Entry E Addr E Off
00053018 CEEHDSP 047D0718 +00002C2A CEEHDSP 047D0718 +00002
00028018 SOC7 00006AE0 +000003E6 SOC7 00006AE0 +00000
Condition Information for Active Routines
Condition Information for SOC7 (DSA address 00028018)
CIB Address: 00053630
Current Condition:
CEE3207S The system detected a data exception.
Program Unit: SOC7 Entry: SOC7 Statement: Offset: +000003E6
Machine State:
ILC..... 0006 Interruption Code..... 0007
PSW..... 078D1000 80006ECC
GPR0..... 000280C0 GPR1..... 0005291A GPR2..... 000197FC GPR3..... 0
GPR4..... 00007170 GPR5..... 80006F02 GPR6..... 00000000 GPR7..... 0
GPR8..... 00007360 GPR9..... 00006FC0 GPR10.... 00006BEC GPR11.... 0
GPR12.... 00006BDC GPR13.... 00028018 GPR14.... 5004B334 GPR15.... 8
torage dump near condition, beginning at location: 00006EB6
+000000 00006EB6 702C96F0 8014F234 D0988010 960FD09B FC30D098 A02EF353
ameters, Registers, and Variables for Active Routines:
EEHDSP (DSA address 00053018):
Saved Registers:
GPR0..... 047D3580 GPR1..... 000533F0 GPR2..... 00000001 GPR3..... 0
GPR4..... 00000008 GPR5..... 00053630 GPR6..... 0001D038 GPR7..... 0
GPR8..... 047D3715 GPR9..... 047D2716 GPR10.... 047D1717 GPR11.... 0
GPR12.... 00017920 GPR13.... 00053018 GPR14.... 8001E0E2 GPR15.... 8
Storage around GPR0 (047D3580)
-0020 047D3560 00000000 047D35D0 047D358C 047D35D4 047D35C4 00000000
+0000 047D3580 00000003 00000004 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009
+0020 047D35A0 0000000D 0000000E 00000010 00000015 00000017 00000020
Storage around GPR1 (000533F0)
-0020 000533D0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
+0000 000533F0 000534DB 0005352B 00054448 00054448 00053874 0005373C
+0020 00053410 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00053630
Storage around GPR2 (00000001)
-0001 00000000 Inaccessible storage.
+001F 00000020 Inaccessible storage.
+003F 00000040 Inaccessible storage.
Storage around GPR3 (00000003)
-0003 00000000 Inaccessible storage.
+001D 00000020 Inaccessible storage.
+003D 00000040 Inaccessible storage.
Storage around GPR4
-0008 00000000 Inaccessible storage. -0008 00000000 Inaccessible storage.
+0018 00000020 Inaccessible storage.
+0038 00000040 Inaccessible storage.
torage around GPR5 (00053630)
-0020 00053610 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040
+0000 00053630 C3C9C240 00000000 00000000 010C0004 00000000 00000000
+0020 00053650 00000000 0005373C 00030C87 59C3C5C5 00000000 00000000
V1 R9.0: Condition processing resulted in the unhandled condition.
torage around GPR6 (0001D038)
-0020 0001D018 00000000 00023038 40404040 40404040 00000000 C3C5C540
+0000 0001D038 0001E038 80010528 0001E060 0001E074 847D0718 0001E09C
+0020 0001D058 0001E0D8 0001E0EC 0001E100 0001E114 0001E128 0001E13C
torage around GPR7 (00054017)
-0020 00053FF7 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
+0000 00054017 - +00005F 00054056 same as above
torage around GPR8 (047D3715)
-0020 047D36F5 D3D6C3D2 E240E2E3 D6D94040 40404040 40404040 E2E3D2E4
+0000 047D3715 C4C30000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Storage around GPR9 (047D2716)
-0020 047D26F6 58406050 504050DC D2035000 9FF74840 60544040 500C4840
+0000 047D2716 50B06058 D2035034 605C5840 60605040 50B45840 60645040
+0020 047D2736 D20B5028 6068D20B 50186074 58406080 504050C4 584060CC
Storage around GPR10(047D1717)
-0020 047D16F7 4E98FCD0 C407FE91 0A605F47 80BFFA45 E0A4BF41 30000150
+0000 047D1717 30000413 33194347 40A12B47 80A17541 30003C19 434720A1
+0020 047D1737 CA434480 42894000 0247F4A0 2D47F0A1 2B47F0A0 5547F0A1
Storage around GPR11(047D0718)
-0020 047D06F8 F1F0F1F6 F0F0F0F1 F0F9F0F0 0007E4D8 F2F0F5F6 F9000000
+0000 047D0718 47F0F014 00C3C5C5 00002270 000031D0 47F0F001 90ECD00C
+0020 047D0738 AFFF4180 9FFF5800 82335810 C2C81E01 5900C2C4 47D0B040
Storage around GPR12(00017920)
-0020 00017900 00000000 00000000 C3C5C5C3 C1C14040 00000000 00000000
+0000 00017920 00000800 00000000 00028000 00048000 00000000 00000000
+0020 00017940 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Storage around GPR13(00053018)
-0020 00052FF8 00000000 00000000 E2E3D2D3 00056000 00026000 00002388
+0000 00053018 0808CEE1 00028018 000280C0 8001E0E2 847DB860 047D3580
Storage around GPR14(0001E0E2)
-0020 0001E0C2 92B850E0 D06C58F0 F0100CEF 58E0D06C 0B0E847D A1A850E0
+0000 0001E0E2 58E0D06C 0B0E847D B86050E0 D06C58F0 F0100CEF 58E0D06C
+0020 0001E102 D06C58F0 F0100CEF 58E0D06C 0B0E8481 E9A850E0 D06C58F0
Storage around GPR15(047DB860)
-0020 047DB840 F0F9F0F1 F1F0F2F3 F0F0F0F1 F0F9F0F0 0007E4D8 F2F0F5F6
+0000 047DB860 47F0F014 00C3C5C5 000004C8 00002E00 47F0F001 90ECD00C
+0020 047DB880 AFFF5800 9E625810 D04C1E01 5500C00C 47D0B03C 58F0C2BC
SOC7 (DSA address 00028018):
Saved Registers:
GPR0..... 000280C0 GPR1..... 0005291A GPR2..... 000197FC GPR3..... 0
GPR4..... 00007170 GPR5..... 80006F02 GPR6..... 00000000 GPR7..... 0
GPR8..... 00007360 GPR9..... 00006FC0 GPR10.... 00006BEC GPR11.... 0
GPR12.... 00006BDC GPR13.... 00028018 GPR14.... 5004B334 GPR15.... 8
Storage around GPR0 (000280C0)
-0020 000280A0 07E001A8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FFFFFF 00000000
+0000 000280C0 00001001 00053018 00028588 847DC760 047DE6C8 00000000
+0020 000280E0 00000000 000000FF 00000008 00000100 00054017 00028270
How to find out the record contains invalid data causes an soc7 abend from Registers ( saved registers in dump)?
For example input file contains 9 records, but due to some invalid data in one of the 9 records, the program got abend with SOC7. So how to find out the the record which is giving this S0C7 from dump.
My program is giving the SOC7 at offset 000003E6. I can find out the statment based on this offset from compile listing. The statment is
But I want to know for which record this problem is coming.
I am giving the dump also for your ref..
1CEE3DMP V1 R9.0: Condition processing resulted in the unhandled condition.
Information for enclave SOC7
Information for thread 8000000000000000
DSA Addr Program Unit PU Addr PU Offset Entry E Addr E Off
00053018 CEEHDSP 047D0718 +00002C2A CEEHDSP 047D0718 +00002
00028018 SOC7 00006AE0 +000003E6 SOC7 00006AE0 +00000
Condition Information for Active Routines
Condition Information for SOC7 (DSA address 00028018)
CIB Address: 00053630
Current Condition:
CEE3207S The system detected a data exception.
Program Unit: SOC7 Entry: SOC7 Statement: Offset: +000003E6
Machine State:
ILC..... 0006 Interruption Code..... 0007
PSW..... 078D1000 80006ECC
GPR0..... 000280C0 GPR1..... 0005291A GPR2..... 000197FC GPR3..... 0
GPR4..... 00007170 GPR5..... 80006F02 GPR6..... 00000000 GPR7..... 0
GPR8..... 00007360 GPR9..... 00006FC0 GPR10.... 00006BEC GPR11.... 0
GPR12.... 00006BDC GPR13.... 00028018 GPR14.... 5004B334 GPR15.... 8
torage dump near condition, beginning at location: 00006EB6
+000000 00006EB6 702C96F0 8014F234 D0988010 960FD09B FC30D098 A02EF353
ameters, Registers, and Variables for Active Routines:
EEHDSP (DSA address 00053018):
Saved Registers:
GPR0..... 047D3580 GPR1..... 000533F0 GPR2..... 00000001 GPR3..... 0
GPR4..... 00000008 GPR5..... 00053630 GPR6..... 0001D038 GPR7..... 0
GPR8..... 047D3715 GPR9..... 047D2716 GPR10.... 047D1717 GPR11.... 0
GPR12.... 00017920 GPR13.... 00053018 GPR14.... 8001E0E2 GPR15.... 8
Storage around GPR0 (047D3580)
-0020 047D3560 00000000 047D35D0 047D358C 047D35D4 047D35C4 00000000
+0000 047D3580 00000003 00000004 00000006 00000007 00000008 00000009
+0020 047D35A0 0000000D 0000000E 00000010 00000015 00000017 00000020
Storage around GPR1 (000533F0)
-0020 000533D0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
+0000 000533F0 000534DB 0005352B 00054448 00054448 00053874 0005373C
+0020 00053410 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00053630
Storage around GPR2 (00000001)
-0001 00000000 Inaccessible storage.
+001F 00000020 Inaccessible storage.
+003F 00000040 Inaccessible storage.
Storage around GPR3 (00000003)
-0003 00000000 Inaccessible storage.
+001D 00000020 Inaccessible storage.
+003D 00000040 Inaccessible storage.
Storage around GPR4
-0008 00000000 Inaccessible storage. -0008 00000000 Inaccessible storage.
+0018 00000020 Inaccessible storage.
+0038 00000040 Inaccessible storage.
torage around GPR5 (00053630)
-0020 00053610 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040 40404040
+0000 00053630 C3C9C240 00000000 00000000 010C0004 00000000 00000000
+0020 00053650 00000000 0005373C 00030C87 59C3C5C5 00000000 00000000
V1 R9.0: Condition processing resulted in the unhandled condition.
torage around GPR6 (0001D038)
-0020 0001D018 00000000 00023038 40404040 40404040 00000000 C3C5C540
+0000 0001D038 0001E038 80010528 0001E060 0001E074 847D0718 0001E09C
+0020 0001D058 0001E0D8 0001E0EC 0001E100 0001E114 0001E128 0001E13C
torage around GPR7 (00054017)
-0020 00053FF7 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
+0000 00054017 - +00005F 00054056 same as above
torage around GPR8 (047D3715)
-0020 047D36F5 D3D6C3D2 E240E2E3 D6D94040 40404040 40404040 E2E3D2E4
+0000 047D3715 C4C30000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Storage around GPR9 (047D2716)
-0020 047D26F6 58406050 504050DC D2035000 9FF74840 60544040 500C4840
+0000 047D2716 50B06058 D2035034 605C5840 60605040 50B45840 60645040
+0020 047D2736 D20B5028 6068D20B 50186074 58406080 504050C4 584060CC
Storage around GPR10(047D1717)
-0020 047D16F7 4E98FCD0 C407FE91 0A605F47 80BFFA45 E0A4BF41 30000150
+0000 047D1717 30000413 33194347 40A12B47 80A17541 30003C19 434720A1
+0020 047D1737 CA434480 42894000 0247F4A0 2D47F0A1 2B47F0A0 5547F0A1
Storage around GPR11(047D0718)
-0020 047D06F8 F1F0F1F6 F0F0F0F1 F0F9F0F0 0007E4D8 F2F0F5F6 F9000000
+0000 047D0718 47F0F014 00C3C5C5 00002270 000031D0 47F0F001 90ECD00C
+0020 047D0738 AFFF4180 9FFF5800 82335810 C2C81E01 5900C2C4 47D0B040
Storage around GPR12(00017920)
-0020 00017900 00000000 00000000 C3C5C5C3 C1C14040 00000000 00000000
+0000 00017920 00000800 00000000 00028000 00048000 00000000 00000000
+0020 00017940 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
Storage around GPR13(00053018)
-0020 00052FF8 00000000 00000000 E2E3D2D3 00056000 00026000 00002388
+0000 00053018 0808CEE1 00028018 000280C0 8001E0E2 847DB860 047D3580
Storage around GPR14(0001E0E2)
-0020 0001E0C2 92B850E0 D06C58F0 F0100CEF 58E0D06C 0B0E847D A1A850E0
+0000 0001E0E2 58E0D06C 0B0E847D B86050E0 D06C58F0 F0100CEF 58E0D06C
+0020 0001E102 D06C58F0 F0100CEF 58E0D06C 0B0E8481 E9A850E0 D06C58F0
Storage around GPR15(047DB860)
-0020 047DB840 F0F9F0F1 F1F0F2F3 F0F0F0F1 F0F9F0F0 0007E4D8 F2F0F5F6
+0000 047DB860 47F0F014 00C3C5C5 000004C8 00002E00 47F0F001 90ECD00C
+0020 047DB880 AFFF5800 9E625810 D04C1E01 5500C00C 47D0B03C 58F0C2BC
SOC7 (DSA address 00028018):
Saved Registers:
GPR0..... 000280C0 GPR1..... 0005291A GPR2..... 000197FC GPR3..... 0
GPR4..... 00007170 GPR5..... 80006F02 GPR6..... 00000000 GPR7..... 0
GPR8..... 00007360 GPR9..... 00006FC0 GPR10.... 00006BEC GPR11.... 0
GPR12.... 00006BDC GPR13.... 00028018 GPR14.... 5004B334 GPR15.... 8
Storage around GPR0 (000280C0)
-0020 000280A0 07E001A8 00000000 00000000 00000000 00FFFFFF 00000000
+0000 000280C0 00001001 00053018 00028588 847DC760 047DE6C8 00000000
+0020 000280E0 00000000 000000FF 00000008 00000100 00054017 00028270