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How to display MySQL query result in multipage? 3

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Technical User
Dec 7, 2000
and how to make choices for user to select for display 10 15 or 20 rows per page like in this forum.?
this code will give you an idea. its a bit rough and ready

#setup some variables
$cfgHost = "localhost";
$cfgUser = "someone";
$cfgPassword = "somepass";
$cfgDb = "databasename";

#setup database connection functions
function db_connect() {
global $cfgHost; $cfgUser, $cfgDb, $cfgPassword;
$db = mysql_connect($cfgHost, $cfgUser, $cfgPassword);
mysql_select_db($cfgDb, $db);
return $db;
#setup sql query functions

function query_database($querystring = "") {

global $db;

$db = db_connect();
$result = mysql_query($querystring) or die("FAILED:".mysql_error()."for".$querystring."\n");

return $result;


#start the page

#number of stories per page

#how many stories to get at a time
$limit = $stories_per_page;

#set the offset to 0 if not set yet
#otherwise this should be the page number multiplied by
#stories_per_page minus the stories actually on the page

if (!$page):
$offset = 0;
else :
$offset = (($stories_per_page * $page)-$stories_per_page);

#set up the mysql strings
#$sqlstr retrieves all the rows in the database, using the
#offset and limit functionality to retrieve only certain
#rows. $sqlstr_wo_limits will be used to count the number
#total rows later on, to work out page numbers

$sqlstr = "SELECT column1, column2 FROM yourtable";
$sqlstr_wo_limits = $sqlstr;
$sqlstr.= " LIMIT ".$offset.", ".$limit;

#print the records
$result = query_database($sqlstr);

do {

echo $myrow[column1];
echo $myrow[column2];

} while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));

#calculate the total number of records
$total_records = query_database($sqlstr_wo_limits);
$count = mysql_num_rows($total_records);

#if no page number variable is present, set it to page 1
if(!$page) {$page=1;}

#work out the offset needed, based on page number
$offset = ($page-1)*$stories_per_page;

#work out how many pages we need to link to
$page_count = ($count-($count%$stories_per_page)) / $stories_per_page + 1;

#set the next page link

#print links to each page
$i = 1;
$output_string.="Page : ";
while ($i <= $page_count) {

if($i != $page)


$output_string.=&quot;<a href=\&quot;$PHP_SELF?page=$i\&quot;>$i</a>\n&quot;;

} else {$output_string.=&quot;<b>$i</b>&quot;;}


# print the &quot;next page&quot; button

if ($page < $page_count) {
$output_string.=&quot;<a href=\&quot;$PHP_SELF?page=$nextpage\&quot;>&quot;;
$output_string.=&quot;Next $stories_per_page record(s)...</a>&quot;;
} else {
$output_string.=&quot;No more records to display!&quot;;

Andres Jugnarain
Wireless Editor
Andres Jugnarain
Wireless Editor
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Part and Inventory Search

