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How to determine path of current script 3

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Apr 22, 2005
I want one vbscript to be able to call another executible that is in the same directory.

I first tried:
WShell.Run ".\Tidy.exe", 2, True

Tidy.exe is in the same directory as my vbscript file.

This only worked if I launched my vbscript from the correct direcory. I then tried:

WShell.Run WScript.Path & "\Tidy.exe", 2, True

Still didn't work. Neither did:

WShell.Run WScript.CurrentDirectory & "\Tidy.exe", 2, True

How can I determine the directory where my vbs file is located? In Visual basic 6.0 it would be app.path.

Maybe this will help you along...

Dim objFSO : Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
WScript.Echo objFSO.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName)
WScript.Echo WScript.ScriptFullName

My philosophy: K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid
strCurrentFolder = UCase(Left(Wscript.ScriptFullName, Len(Wscript.ScriptFullName) - Len(Wscript.ScriptName) - 1))
>WShell.Run WScript.CurrentDirectory & "\Tidy.exe", 2, True

First that there is no such thing as wscript.CurrentDirectory, it is WShell.CurrentDirectory!
WShell.Run [red]WShell[/red].CurrentDirectory & "\Tidy.exe", 2, True[/tt]

[2] Second, one little trick I sometimes use is this.
spath would have a trailing backslash. If it happens to be the same as WShell.currentDirectory, they differ only by the trailing backslash: former have it, latter have it not.
Talk about choice huh...

My philosophy: K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid
Thanks dm4ever and mrmovie. Both of your examples did exactly what I wanted.

I just saw your reply. Your trick also works. As dm4ever put it, I have a lot of choices.

- Dan
How can I determine the directory where my vbs file is located? In Visual basic 6.0 it would be app.path.

Just to help clear up some basic, if the launching happens to be this. (The case of double-click on script.vbs would be trivial.)

[tt] d:\x\y>c:\windows\system32\cscript.exe f:\z\script.vbs
[ul][li][tt] currentdirectory: d:\x\y[/tt][/li]
[li][tt] spath : f:\z\[/tt][/li][/ul]
Thanks tsuji for clearing that up. I also observed that in your example above, WScript.Path will return c:\windows\system32.

Thanks everyone for your quick replies.

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