I want one vbscript to be able to call another executible that is in the same directory.
I first tried:
WShell.Run ".\Tidy.exe", 2, True
Tidy.exe is in the same directory as my vbscript file.
This only worked if I launched my vbscript from the correct direcory. I then tried:
WShell.Run WScript.Path & "\Tidy.exe", 2, True
Still didn't work. Neither did:
WShell.Run WScript.CurrentDirectory & "\Tidy.exe", 2, True
How can I determine the directory where my vbs file is located? In Visual basic 6.0 it would be app.path.
I first tried:
WShell.Run ".\Tidy.exe", 2, True
Tidy.exe is in the same directory as my vbscript file.
This only worked if I launched my vbscript from the correct direcory. I then tried:
WShell.Run WScript.Path & "\Tidy.exe", 2, True
Still didn't work. Neither did:
WShell.Run WScript.CurrentDirectory & "\Tidy.exe", 2, True
How can I determine the directory where my vbs file is located? In Visual basic 6.0 it would be app.path.