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how to detect quicktime?

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Aug 22, 2001
I see there aren't many responses in this forum but I'm hoping one of you can answer me. I need to detect if quicktime is on other systems, the way we would detect if flash player is on other systems before starting the movie. I can't find anything on Apple.com about it. Can someone tell me how to do this or where I can learn how?
i had the same issue myself... go to ultrashock.com and do a search on quicktime within the director forum... i never did get it to do what i wanted however i was able to detect the users system on whether or not quicktime (as well as what version) was installed. good luck.
Hey Aniroc....thanks for the response and the info. I'll check it out. If I get anything good working I'll be sure to share it with you!

I've got a movie that will determine if quicktime is present, the version, and will install if needed. Let me know if you want it.
Hi bravo,
does the movie use Quicktime to detect Quicktime? I would love to have a copy as I have still not solved this problem in the fashion that I would like. I currently have comparison movies up and the user has to manually choose wether to install quicktime or bypass that screen and go to the movie. I don't like that setup at all.
are you trying to install Quicktime without the user's consent/knowledge?
Not really, what I would like to do, similar to the way you detect for flash player....I would like to let them know they don't have quicktime and then allow them to install it with a link as opposed to what I have now which makes them look at 2 pics and if one is broken link it means they don't have quicktime installed. I want the process to be more automated and less work for the user. Especially the users who no nothing about computers. These type of users don't even know what quicktime is. ya know what I mean?
Gotcha. That's exactly what I was/am trying to do. Once the novice-never-touched-a-computer-before user pops in a CD, I want the CD to detect whether or not the user has quicktime and if so, if it is the correct version. If the user does not have quicktime or it is not the correct version, I want the user to have the option on whether or not to install quicktime right off the CD. Apple is useless in regards to this and I'm not sure if it is their responsibility or Macromedia's (for Director). I believe it should be Macromedia's since they are utilizing the technology within their software. And I'm not sure if there is a compatibility issue with Director 8.5 and QuickTime 5.0. To date I have yet to resolve this matter.
I have heard that there is a java applet that does it but I am not sure. There definitely must be a way to do it with the CD. I have a friend who is very Director savvy...I'll give him a shout and see if he's got any ideas on that for ya. Apple tends to be rather slow on their response rate to questions and or problems (I've noticed). Anyway...I have pretty much also set the problem aside until I have the time to dive into it again. I haven't been in Director in over a year. I do like the new 3D aspect they've added but haven't been able to play with it at all.
Good luck and if I come up with anything useful, I'll post it for you.
thanks terror, i appreciate it. and you are right - there is a way to do it. i have a CD sitting right here on my desk from VH1 Save The Music... except it is about 2 years old and therefore utilizes QuickTime 4 with Director 7... i have uninstalled QuickTime on my computer and when i pop into that CD, it brings up a screen telling me that i need QuickTime 4 to view the CD and would I like to install it or quit. After selecting the "install" button, the CD continues and never exits out. I can't believe the guys on Ultrashock can't resolve this. Then again, they are Flash guru's and I think any Director involvement is leaned toward gaming. So, people like us are left out into the cold!! and of course you know how "useful" macromedias' manuals are...
hehe......yup.....reeeeeaaaal useful. I'll let you know what I come up with, if anything.
Good luck again
I would like to know the outcome of this also. I am making a marketing cd that plays 3 different .mov files outside of the flash movie (the .mov files were too big to import into flash). So I would like to know how I can make those three run in quicktime as well as detect if they have it. TexanBetty

worked for me =)

( )

Detecting Quicktime
Added on 4/3/2001


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Author: BillKearns (website)
Also by BillKearns - Detecting Quicktime (FAQ)

How do I detect QuickTime on the user's system?

The code below will check to see if QuickTime version 3.0 or higher is installed on the user's PC. If not, the installer is launched and the projector quits. If it finds Quicktime is installed, it moves on to a movie called "Start" It assumes that your QuickTime Installer is in the same directory as your projector. Works on both MAC and WIN95/98/ME/NT/2000.

--Checks to see if QuickTime version 3.0
--or greater is installed on the user's machine.
--If no version or a version lower than 3.0 is found
--the QuickTime installer is launched and the projector quits.
--If the the QuickTime version is 3.0 or Higher
--the movie continues to the marker "Start"

on exitFrame
global qtversion
put quicktimeversion() into qtversion
if the quicktimePresent = 1 then
if qtversion < 3 then
open &quot;QuickTimeInstaller.exe&quot;
go to movie &quot;Start&quot;
end if
open &quot;QuickTimeInstaller.exe&quot;
end if
Two questions:
- I've tried the script but always got back a script error message when trying to play the projector. Anyone knows why?
- Can I use this same script to check for higher versions of quicktime that can play mpeg files?
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