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How to destroy old tapes

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Sep 25, 2001
What is the best way to destroy old backup tapes?
What do you mean by destroy? Physically destroy it or just destroy the data?

If you mean physically destroy it, then the best means is to take a hammer to the case and then burn the tape itself.

Yeah, I meant physically destroy. I have no desire to reuse the tapes for anything and I don't want our data sitting in the dumpster.
I've been doing what you suggested.. burning the tapes. Just thought there might be a more environmentally friendly alternative. I suppose only burning a little plastic isn't so bad.

You could use a bulk tape eraser on them and then crush them. Just don't use the tape eraser in the computer room. :)

I've also seen shredders that will destroy tapes but I don't imagine they are cheap. James P. Cottingham

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The method of destroying the tape really depends on how well you want it destroyed. Tape hangs around for a long time before it decomposes. I was in the Air Force and had to physically destroy tapes. We first degaussed them (electronically erases the data), then broke the cases open, and lastly burned the tapes. All we were left with was the cases and ash.

I would suggest destruction "Office Space" stye, ie taking them out behind the office and beating them to smithereens with a baseball bat while playing loud rap music. Might as well take a tape drive and backup server along while you're at it.
Or you could do it "Godfather" Style, have them sit around a table, and you walk behind them with a baseball bat then beat the crap out of the one you wanted to get rid of.

Better yet, put the destroyed tape in your boss's bed on the pillow next to him...
Hmm... thanks for the suggestions. I think I'm gonna stick with the "burning" method.

Maybe I'll play some music in the background.
lol :)

it's like this with us when we have an old hard drive we need to ditch, trying to come up with new ways of destruction.
is there anyway you can select specific backup sets to delete off of the tape?

Please Help
I'd post that question in a new thread. I'm not sure anyone's still checking this one.
I've never been able to delete a specific backup set off the tape.

The only way obviously is to erase the tape - but then you loose all backup sets on that tape.

Instead of destroying, how about asking if anyone is interested in the tapes? I could use more tapes. Let me know if whether or not I am too late.

nyrfaninva, the point in destroying them is to be sure no data is recoverable. Otherwise, I'd just throw them away or, as you suggest, donate them. The data is too sensitive to trust simple erasure of any sort.

Besides, you wouldn't want them. The reason I'm getting rid of them is that they've been used to the point of being unreliable.
Thanks for the quick response! I really appreciate it.

By the way, how long did you have the tapes and if you remember, about how many times did you use each tape?
On a two-week rotation (each tape gets used once every two weeks), I try to replace the tapes every six to nine months. That's probably longer than what is recommended and, in reality, they sometimes go even longer. When they've reached the one-year mark, the backups start reporting errors.
throw them in a water bucket overnight. Then, throw them out. Sebastian Jazzer
MCSE 4.0, Network+, A+, Web Developer

JazzGeek, please elaborate. I wouldn't have guessed that water would clear magnetic information from plastic tape.
same :)

The only sure way to burn them, or cut them up into miniscule pieces.
It makes the tape unreadable. It's the oldest and still the best way to dispose of tape backups. Check around with the old pro's, they will tell you. (Takes experience to know this one!) Sebastian Jazzer
MCSE 4.0, Network+, A+, Web Developer

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