I am in the process of learning sql server. I bought this book "10 projects you can do with microsoft sql server 7".
On the second chapter they show you how do a back up. In the process I think I missed something so I want to star again. This is my problem
If I right clik on the database pubs
All task
Restore database
Another scren comes up with all the back ups I made.
Is there a way to delete all of these so that I start fresh without doing a brand new installation.
Please help me if you can.
thank you kindly
On the second chapter they show you how do a back up. In the process I think I missed something so I want to star again. This is my problem
If I right clik on the database pubs
All task
Restore database
Another scren comes up with all the back ups I made.
Is there a way to delete all of these so that I start fresh without doing a brand new installation.
Please help me if you can.
thank you kindly