Attach this code to an event on your form. Note- change the blue to match the names in your db. I only included 2 fields in the example. If you can not get it to work please provide more info on datatypes and indexes...
CurrentDb.Execute ("UPDATE TableName SET FieldName1 = Null, FieldName2 = Null WHERE textFieldName '" & Me.textControlName & "'"
Thanks this will help a great deal, I am however having difficulty identifying the specific names of the "textFieldName" and the "textControlName". What part of the form/table are these?
textControlName is the name of the control on the form and textFieldName is the name of the field that control is bound to. Note- the example I provided will only work for one field if your table is using more than one field as a key you will need to change the code. So if you have a table like so...
textFieldName intFieldName
data1 1
data2 2
Then you'll be ok. But if your table is like so...
Thanks so much for working me through this one. I will try to work it out and let you know how it goes. I need to have this working by tomarrow so..thanks!
I still can not identify the "textFieldName" and the "textControlName" names. Arn't I already using the FeildName in the first part of the code?
There is a "field name", and there is a "control name".
You may have a field named, "MyFieldOne". When you drag the text box control to the design view of the form, Access will assign it a "control name", like "text1" or something close. This is not the same thing as a "field name".
You can rename the control name (e.g., "txtMyFieldOne" in Properties>Other. I have a lot of controls with the generic name provided by Access. I also have some controls with names identical to the field names they represent...this is supposed to be troublesome, I'm not sure why...
With apologies to Pezamystik, I am
Gus Brunston An old PICKer, using Access2000
Well I am lost here. I have no idea how to gleen the required names out of all this. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have to clear the feilds with the following name characteristics:
Control source: comdate1 (to 7)
Feild name: (properties other name) comdate1 (to7)
Table name: QMEinfo
I apparently require an additional name?
I also need to clear 2 other fields, also in a series of 1-7.
I get a syntax error still. I thnk the problem lies with the fact that I am using a date time picker to fill the feild. It is returning a full date and full time. The error is a missing operator error.
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