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How to create a "local" webpage enviornment....intranet not allowed. 9

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Technical User
Oct 29, 2002
How can I use HTML (or any web related page) without using a server? I'll try to explain better....

My IS department wont allow an intranet yet, maybe 3-5 years down the line. So I was thinking of a local development, where users (about 100) can access the web and all its data (which also needs to be able to update, print reports, query, requery..just like Access).

Key thing is, where would the local be stored at? thats the big question and also is it worth it? should I wait? or is it possible?

Thanks in advance for the help,
If you don't have any requirement for server side code, you can just create static pages and have them on a directory on a fileserver. Make sure you use relative links though so that if you do upload them, the links won't break.

If you do need something more fancy, then MS Personal web server can run on every workstation class OS since 98 and any reasonable Linux box would have Apache/PHP running on it (also freely available for Windows machines if you want).
I suppose you just get one computer that has IIS or PWS to create you own server on you PC IIS will be on the windows XP cd PWS will be on win 98 or later. Get a router and a hub that can give the access to the internet to your users and then you will have a makeshift intranet. I am not certain it would work.
You can use the PWS solution posted before, but from experience I can tell you that you won't go to far... the main reason being that PWS only allows 10 concurrent connections. Not only that but once we had more than 5 connections the speed was an issue especially with the database, we had timing outs all the time due to processing time by our "development/production" server.

The best and easy way to do it is getting a computer and installing Apache on it or Tomcat in case you want to develop pages with JSP also.

It sounds like I should wait until I my IS Department creates the intranet for our department? Is that the most "stable" way to go?....keep in mind, I have over 100 users that need access to this webpage. To add to that point, I might not have the available resources to go out and purchase all that is necessary, so far my IS department only offered to cover the expenses of purchasing an editor, such as Frontpage, Hotdog etc.

Can you give me some advantages and disadvantages as to why I should wait, besides the obvious reasons.....I have to explain this to a few "old fashioned" team members, who might not understand why this idea wont work.....

Thanks for your help..2 stars.
Well if you already have a computer that you were going to use as the one holding all the files then you shouldn't worry too much about money.
It's possible to do a lot of things with free or next to free tools found on the internet.

Apache, Tomcat they are free and you can download them from for Tomcat go to Jakarta Project in the same Apache website and you'll find all you need.

for a database you can use MySQL and for development you can either go with the old fashioned CGI or PHP (free also) or if you use Tomcat as your Webserver you already have the option to work with JSP right there.

For HTML Editors there's a lot of choices but if you really want to go pro use something that ties everything together I would recommend Dreamweaver.. Don't waste money on Frontpage.

Probably the editor and a couple extra sticks of memory for the computer you are going to use are the most expensive things you'll buy.

Now everything has a cost. PHP,JSP, Tomcat, Apache they all work fine, depending on the project they may even work better than proprietary technology. However you'll have (depending on your background) a nice little learning curve that will have to be conquered.
I am assuming that your company has a regular server and that you do not need access to the world-wide web.

There is no reason at all why you should not use html technology as jbarnett suggested.

For example you could put manuals, forms etc. in HTML format which all could have access to. In this sense HTML is just another file format which can be read by a browser.

Thanks for the feedback, last question would be the disadvantages of creating this "local" intranet environment? I see the advantages, but knowing what I do with my department and their philosophy it will be extremely hard to get additionally memory installed, gathering the necessary tools needed, (even though they are free, our company prefers to buy everything and investigate the potential risks, etc. but as I stated, will just be on my computer).

But if I did go that route, sounds like I would need:
1)an HTTP server (Apache, etc.)
2)editor (Dreamweaver...)
3)scripting language (PHP, JSP)
4)additional memory

Is this correct?

Thanks again, 2 stars....
If your PC is of a decent enough specification, you won't need extra memory. Any decent enough PC will be able to run a web browser, and a 500MHz+ computer with a decent wodge of RAM (256Mb+) will have no problem with a web server running in the background as well, unless you have anything very CPU intensive running, and that is basically heavy duty statistical analysis, 3D graphics rendering, multi user database host, sound/video editing or modern first person games.

As for the cost of DreamWeaver, if you can't afford it or get the powers that be to splash out on its purchase, you can always use Notepad or another text editor for editing HTML/ASP/JSP/PHP code, and freeware Wysiwyg editors are ten a penny around the place.

John Barnett

If you're just wanting to share an Access database, then export an MDE file and have them hit that. MDE files allow muliple user access to the database. Be sure to hide the MDB file in a different location, though, and keep people out of it. Messing with the MDB file will screw with the MDE file.

As long as you have intelligent forms and workflow, you can probably control the user interface using one of those switchboard forms that Access can make via template.

No need for a fancy web page after all!


[monkey] Edward [monkey]

Like Lovecraft? Know Photoshop? Got time for the Unspeakable?
Things I need to consider:
1)I need to be able to manipulate data, query reports, sort,update,print...etc.
2)Speed issues,...have to be user friendly.
3)Ideally be stored in local drive....
4)Need to be able to update in "real-time"...

Its more than just sharing the database, (which I currently have in place) but an elaborate scheme to work around not having a true intranet, and no support from IS Department...which makes everything harder as you well know.

Thanks another problem, memory. We're all running on 128 average. But the wheels are turning, these threads are definetly helping.

Just wondering...What would you do in this scenario? wait a few years and avoid the hassles? or indulge in a game of risk with implementing without the help of an IS department?

cavery, Your questions:

But if I did go that route, sounds like I would need:
1)an HTTP server (Apache, etc.)
2)editor (Dreamweaver...)
3)scripting language (PHP, JSP)
4)additional memory

The answer to all four of your questions is "no".

There is no disadvantage to developing plain HTML content. In fact an advantage, not yet mentioned, is that when you ultimately go to an Intranet you would already have some HTML content

Just thought I'd throw my two cents in...

A year or so ago, I put together an Intranet-type system for my department taking advantage of our company's network without doing any HTML at all.

Here is the link to my solution:
Please ignore the email address on the brochure. It has since dried up. If you'd like to get my tutorial, please just let me know at rob@workfromthehearth.com. I'm not selling it but I would just like to know if you find it useful.

My system has been used in several different organizations which allows non-techie types keep things updated and it looks pretty good as well.

I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts...

Hi Cavery,

At a former employer of mine, there was an NT 4 server running IIS 4, network proxy and time server, Sybase ASA6 and MS SQL Server 7 database servers (yes, both simultaneously), VPop3 mail server, network time sync, network DHCP host, VNC for remote control, McAfee Netshield, Netware Gateway to a clapped out old server with some old essential files on it (which were reshared) as well as file and print for 7 users.

It also had an ISDN dialup facility which the proxy server used, and a 56K modem. Additionally, it was used to run PC Anywhere for connection to client systems as well as having the only CD writer in the company, so had the burning software installed. Needless to say it was the PDC as well, with no BDC's.
It was a dual Pentium II 350 box with 128Mb RAM and a single 9Gb SCSI disk split into two partitions. It's network connection was a single 10Mbit Intel EtherExpress card, and it wasn't that slow, considering all that it ran, but there were some days when it did appear to hang and need rebooting in the middle of the day.

Why then did I say 500MHz CPU with 256Mb RAM? Well. This was a dedicated server. It wasn't used by anybody as a workstation. I'm sure you could get away with a far less powerful system, even if you ended up recycling an old PC that was taken out of use when it was upgraded.

Looking at your posts to other people, if you need an instant response, you are going to need a reasonable spec machine, especially if the number of users starts increasing. Yes, Linux systems generally take less resources than Windows for similar performance, or you can get the same level on a slower system. It all depends as to what you are comfortable with in terms of both writing at first and managing. If you start with a reasonable system and it becomes mission critical, it becomes more difficult to schedule downtime acceptable to all to install upgrades, such as more memory, at a later date. I understand this only too well from the above server.

As for going it alone without the IS department's backing, I would check first of all to ensure that there is no company policy regarding connection of unauthorised systems to the network (which may get you in trouble if you get caught). If not, and you are happy to go ahead, (or are willing to take the risk) do so and show it to other people when its up and running. Who knows, if the IS department see what you have done and like it, they may want to use that as the basis for an authorised system. You could of course show it to other users, and use their peer pressure together with you to get it implemented on an official basis.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

From researching and reading the above post, best thing that I can recommend is waiting for my IS department, ironically, they recommended I dont take the risk and wait. But I do have an enourmous amount of information as a starting point. Thanks for all the feedback, I appreciate it!...2 stars.

I would like to view your link, but wasnt able to download. Is there another address? besides the "pps?"....

If you'd like to drop me an e-mail, I could return with the file as an attachment.

What happens when you click the link? It opens up for me (I'm at work...).


An MDE file allows all the functionality of an Access database, except form manipulation. So, you can do anything you can do in Access normally, plus many users can do it at the same time. This includes running queries, reports, searches, whatever. As far as user-friendly goes, that's pretty much driven by the design of your forms. We do this here for one of our Trouble Ticket databases. As long as people stay out of the MDB file (which is stashed somewhere else), everything's great.

But it did require we make easy-to-use forms. People just can't seem to read minds no matter how hard I wish otherwise. On the other hand, they might read the wrong thing! [lol]


[monkey] Edward [monkey]

Like Lovecraft? Know Photoshop? Got time for the Unspeakable?
When I click on the link, it starts to open then my entire browser closes. I can send you an email if you like....

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